Friday, May 1, 2020

April released

shining crescent door
invites my mind to dreaming
longed for peace of night
Those old movie musicals, plots
to support the song and dance --
kind of like porn, but musical performance
instead of more direct sex.
People of loving spirit to let me feel
So many seem to need hate,
to gather in racist joining,
keeping folk designated in their place.
Terror permeates this human world.
Why such perverted pleasure
gets elevated as who we choose
to be makes no sense to me.
And you?
Tell me true.
Why deny healing,
best of us awaking,
embracing touch called kindness,
so much preferable a base on which
to grow a human race.
Isn't it our time to realign,
to be kind?
May I find the Wisdom
to accept what I can't change,
change what I can't accept,
get over my damn self
because I am more than my memories,
lost in eternity, but not forever.
I am unwinding from silken binds
so soft it's taken all this time
to feel their pull.
Sublimely full of wretching
bullshit, ready to relinquish
expectations, admit they always
fail.  Sever ties to tribulations,
succor of revelations,
just nourish from what comes,
unfetter adaptation.
Every time there is an emergency
people get together.
See pretty stories of neighborly
community, sacrifice for family,
but also strangers because we're all
in this and know we can only get through
and out with each other's help.
And those idealists, hopemongers,
loudly proclaim a brave new day,
people needing people as rousing meme.
But that normality we anxiously carry
in our hearts as just return demands
dissembling, each a part apart.
Memories, stories about what happened
but no longer is --
what carries forward tells more
about you than then.


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