Friday, August 28, 2020

silly season

 We are not safe.

That does not mean we need not
defend, prepare for
irrevocable break
from habitual decions.
Which me, which you appears?
Satanists Unite in loud outrage
against these Qcultists idiot lies.
the White Evangelicals are not Christian at all,
but rather Jewish, worshiping the OT jealous,
vengeful, violent God,
not the kind and loving Christ
GOP - politics for those who seek
violent, titillating entertainment
from their government to give
meaning to their empty lives.
Politics, to me, is adaptive activity
not a state of being.

Friday, August 14, 2020

rant for reason

 so all you people who are SO upset over Joe Biden's sins (of which he has many, but then so do most) are going to keep Trump in power to destroy us all rather than voting him out for a President much more easily handled by public opinion and a better Congress (which we do need to vote in)

we don’t have to like Biden or trust him
we have to vote Trump out decisively, and then deal with Biden which we can do much more effectively than with Trump due to the GOP obstruction of justice
but most importantly we need to elect a Democratic Senate and end Moscow Mitch’s reign
so, you would have the Trump regime destroy all of us so you can feel right? How does that make you any better than the Republicans? The point is to get the mad man out and then use the solidarity and tactics learned fighting Trump to keep the new regime in line while we prepare for better future candidates.
don't see it as D v. R -- it's not about them: it's about us and what we would suffer from another round of Trump/McConnell -- vote them out, then deal with what's left
I can see a sadistic narcissist like Trump
as fitting the adjective "evil"
Biden is more of a normal flawed man
-- sometimes self-serving, sometimes caring,
perhaps with a mindset more in tune
with old style Republicans than modern
Progressives, but not evil.
US democracy sucks -- but just look at what we have to work with in regard to our electorate
it's not voting for the lesser evil when we have a plan and the ability to counter and ameliorate that evil, even throw it the hell out, once we have gotten rid of the evil worshiping current administration
Why waste our raging energy and time ranting against sensibility when we could be using those resources to make better plans for future governance, express and expand on them, and get more and more people involved in solution building instead of hateful blaming dualities.
no nuance -- all or nothing -- on or off -- is exactly what is wrong with our politics
if we can't take good ideas from bad people, or won't admit bad ideas came from good, we are making ourselves ever smaller, ever less able, ever slaves to our own ignorance

lawless rulers

 Who are the functional anarchists?

People exercising their Constitutional Rights and Duties to protest against government policies that do harm,
or Office Holders with an attitude and practice of doing as they please with no regard for established law?
Republicans ought to be doing all they can to get money into the pockets of the suddenly unemployed to counter the clear Anti-Trump sentiment growing from his abysmal Covid response.
Trump (and friends) is truly brainless -- we don't need the PO to "vote by mail" but plenty of Republican owned businesses (especially during pandemic restrictions but generally as well) need to mail products and bills, and many Republican old rural folks desperately need to get life-maintaining medications by mail.  Why does the GOP want to destroy its constituents?
of course if we do the same nothing but complain the same indifference will happen
people seem to think that talking about politics, taking umbrage, being outraged or even coming up with their precious intricate theories will somehow become the national cause
if we want a government we can depend on to be by, for and about us, we have to do the work, the organization, the outreach, the million little details of day by day difference making, as if our lives depended on it and as if we are actually citizens in a citizen run country
the point of free expression is not that we get to make our speech and leave, but that everyone gets to comment, make our points, have a conversation about our common concerns
it all comes back to education -- did you learn to think, carefully, critically, and to know how to locate reputable resources for information?
let's stop and think instead of rah! rah! for our side:  police are not one person or one small group; there are huge numbers of police of a great variety of abilities and attitudes
some police are wonderful people who want to help wherever they can
some police are horrid, brutal people who want to feel powerful by harming others
some police are sometimes more to one of these positions, sometimes more of the other
police are people with all of our foibles, irrationalities, decency and demons
and like the rest of us, need to be made responsible for their bad behaviors under rule of law.
I have been thinking about this human subset that seems to be intent on destroying our common planet, our common humanity, our health and lives and possibilities -- how have they been allowed to thrive and even be elevated to our highest offices to destroy us all?
media does not control anything -- we choose what we take in and how we manage our information.  Stop denying responsibility for your own mind.
 beyond modern economic theories, isn't the fundamental question what an economy is meant to be, a system for the useful interchange of goods and services that all are well served?
People, you can, you know, develop better/more honest and interactive relationships with your kids.  They don't have to be dependent on the greater world to feel loved, valued, a part of something meaningful.
 Kids are doing so poorly in schools because schools are doing so poorly for them. We need a better way to educate, and in the 21st Century that way will probably be online (unless we go post-Apocalyptic back to scribing on sand with sticks).
If we need kids occupied while their parents work, we could devise neighborhood “study cells” with paid volunteers supervising groups of kids taking their classes online.
The need to get appropriate resources for online access is about much more than kids' education, but the economy in general.
we  must remember that Governor Kemp outrageously stole his election through professional voter fraud (fraudulently denying voters their votes) to get to destroy the people of Georgia

Friday, August 7, 2020

early harvest from this summer's buzz+LW

 Right means Capitalism; Left means Socialism

The whole, the Healthy Society means

look to what works out best for us and Earth
(and keep looking for what may work out better)
instead of kneeling to dead theories.
"Cancel Culture" is no so much "Liberal"
as capitalist.
Oh you holier than thou
politico wingers, betraying
your people for your rigid ideals.
I feel like I'm running out of me.
How does that feel?
Not only exhausted and
caught in random memory,
insubstantial as distant dreams.
Who are the Soviet style
authoritarian "Communists"
stealing all benefit for
El Presidente's friends and enablers?
I can see a sadistic narcissist like Trump
as fitting the adjective "evil"
Biden is more of a normal flawed man
-- sometimes self-serving, sometimes caring,
perhaps with a mindset more in tune
with old style moderate Republicans than modern
Progressives, but not evil.
What possible Dem. candidate
could be acceptable to the Progressives
without being excoriated by the Repubs.?
I have lived from earliest memory
on the outside of society,
looking in and taking notes.
It's not so much that people
are deceitful -- we believe as we do,
and that colours our world.

Ah, well honored gift of Summer,
boon of Sun's warm rays, a'smile,
joyous lift for all our hearts’ delight.
Sparkling festivities, laughter and
blessed day of resplendent celebration.
We privileged to witness rise in salutation
to this Summer star.
Flow freely with the forces
of nature,
in touch with combust eternity,
child of the Sun