Friday, April 17, 2020

caught a rise

We are embroiled
in a time of existential threats,
among which we find the current
POTUS who seems to enjoy
apocalyptic chaos that improves
his ratings.
caught a rise
Anger is a response to pain.
Sometimes that pain is about
deflecting shame of embarrassment.
Sometimes that pain is about
long festering wounds that never scab over,
maybe quiet for a time,
then that new wrong reminds you,
exhumes intensity.
Sometimes it's here and now
cutting, searing, concussing, contusing,
abusing, denying you as human, or
demanding tribute you can't afford.
Brandish that angry sword to express,
transmute what you can no longer
endure as pain.
Give up the concept of normal
-- a word without real world reference:
We live in a state of change.
There are no perfect leaders
(what would that even mean?)
but certainly some are concerned
with the needs of the people,
while others are paramountly
concerned with themselves.
Identity is made of memories,
fluid, not static
People need to be positively seen
to feel okay in a frightening world.
Anger can be a burden, but also
an inspiration to discover succor
and possible solutions to act toward,

to mitigate your pain.

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