Saturday, February 25, 2023

voice of inspiration


This long-running soap opera

we call human life




Random acts of sharing

I would like to be a kindness

but I don't know if a gift

or an inconvenience

in the eye of the receiver




Authentic me is a big of an enigma

I never know what to say

until I do





Who is out there expressing

the people's rage?

Feeds on grievance to shit out

propagations of hate, to

make the case, raise up the energy

pushed down from shame

we refuse to face?

Who aspires to be that voice

that inspires?




If we could let ourselves be

easily, naturally kind to ourselves

and each other, the vast miasma

that plagues us

would dissipate, disappear




Carter was always being criticized

for not somehow being omnipotent,

as if after Nixon we expected perfection. 

Reagan was lauded far and wide,

for ruining our burgeoning democracy

in favor of creeping plutocracy. 

It's all in the spin.




kind of like that idea of needing attention,

any attention, so bad attention is good --

needing human connection,

so connecting through hate




the vast lack of value given in our consumer

society to social bonds, which is killing us





two warring parties can not possibly

represent the complexity of the American electorate

yes, we need civil and constructive debate --

involving all of the stakeholders

we need to start that habit from our earliest educations,

including the habit of respect for ourselves

and each of our others





So very many ruined lives

so some very wealthy people

can accumulate a few pennies more




Saturday, February 11, 2023

less pressure more exploration


Everyone loves to complain about the government.  

Yet, who really takes an interest and 

does the work to make it ours?

Government as your enemy is a myth

propagaged by people who get elected

to profitable positions and create

a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Government is what we choose

it to be as humans working out society.

People living our little lives

as if it mattered --

as if it weren't the only thing

that truly matters

I am antiracist in that I don't accept

the myth of human races.

A race is a contest of speed.

I sadly understand that we live in a world

stained by racism -- because people so

love to divide into warring camps

bound by hate.

Perhaps one major result of our

social media concerns needs to be

a requirement to effectively teach

critical thinking in all public schools.

Not "All Men Are Brothers" --

All humans are family.

Less pressure

more exploration

listen for the stories


Friday, February 3, 2023

above the waves




Government is not a business, and

ought not be run like one.

It's mandate is not profit, but the

well-being of the people it serves.




There was a group of queens who hung out

on MacDougal Street when I was a teenage

runaway in the late '60s.

They looked after, protected me, gave

me safe haven, a motherly influence.

There was nothing wrong, and everything

good about those women.




Ignore the Republican what abouts and

other obfuscations.  Realize their goal is

not to do better for us, but to obstruct

Democrats from useful work to make

them look inept.




Artist's Essence:  inner vision that needs

to be expressed




Oh Man, your arrogance

ever more destroys

the essence of well-being.




When thrown into the deep

to sink or swim (never having been

taught how)

you struggle bravely to dog paddle

yourself above the waves

You sometimes fail, sink

scared and alone,

yet bravely struggle to emerge,


Unable to shoulder your share of

the load, to advance, please know:

It's not your fault.

You did nothing wrong.

Practice floating, breath management.

Learn to feel at home

above and below the waves.




You know those myriad of movies.

Aliens invade to take our Earth

because their world is dying.

We have yet to find another world

to invade -- so we turn that fearfed

violence on ourselves.



