Friday, May 15, 2020

politics and money

don't see it as D v. R -- it's not about them: it's about us and what we would suffer from another round of Trump/McConnell -- vote them out, then deal with what's left
of course if Capitalism were the marvel of human ingenuity it is purported to be the markets would be quickly adapting to the conditions and new businesses and ways of doing business would keep everyone employed safely
the Trumpettes are so in awe of their belief in the superiority of the elite left that they applaud and empower this senile media whore because he so upsets the “libtards” who they know disrespect them

“money” is a social construct (and contract) – it can be whatever WE (writ large) say it is. The problem is people become accustomed to what has already been constructed and tend to believe that is the way it must be. Also, we are damned lazy and would rather keep the evil we know then contend with a good we don’t.

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