Saturday, May 9, 2020

mother love

Created from the Milky Way shining into Mother Moon,
reflections from that ancient light emerging from her womb.
Bonded to Earth's creation;
learning at mother's breast
to embrace Her gifts and lessons.
The dance takes me up
In motherly embrace,
Holds me softly,
Listens closely,
Lifts out all my sorrow,
Lets me fly.
If mothers are invisible it's because we make ourselves so. Women do get so caught up in the servant role, taking care, in the background, making sure everything is as it should be for everyone around. This is keeping ourselves invisible. If we want a say, we need to speak up. If we want our kids to see us as real, individual, human beings -- not just "Mom" -- we have to relate to them on that level, honestly, passionately, telling them who we are and listening to their revelations about themselves, and helping them to bridge the gap of experience. No. The job of mother is not to be the silent servant, the self-sacrificed. The job of mother is to teach our children to be their most, their best, their brightest in the way that kids learn best, by modeling that philosophy.
In a perfect world the rights of mother and child would be balanced, each respected, valued and cherished by society which requires them for its very existence.
Mother and Child Meditation
Visualize the bond between Mother and Child.
Do you imagine it broken by
internal jealousies, shyness against intimacy,
cringing before angry gods of tribal culture,
dying of a thousand casual wounds, volleys
of will and grievance cast into fragile frays?
Or do you see a pageantry of unfailing matriarchs.
Strong sons and daughters waltz in attendance.
Flowers bloom from every slip of finery into
fertile mud.
Mothers of our species tend toward
adaptability, bear challenge of balance.
Trying out touted trends, begging for guidance
when their own experience ill fits today's
terror and tantalization.  Always someone must
be blamed; sentiments must be appeased.
Where is the ease, the joy, the sharing up and down,
familial care and comfort?  Where is that not our fair
A child is a gift to the future; a mother is a gift
of nature and nurture.  Each brings, receives
all imaginable possibilities.  Each is a present day.
Mother Courage
I give my wandering children
Anger to protect you from pain
Rage to ameliorate agony
Fear of what folks won’t explain
Fraught laughter to counteract tragedy
Music to move you to heal
Theater to unite what we feel
that vague sense that nothing is real ...
Lost at an indistinct edge made of snow
Unsure where we’ve come from, with nowhere to go
Beggars and bullies and braggarts and whores
iron chains on our windows in rooms with no doors
Fire roams freely, unleashed by cruel wars,
feeds forever on days we will never see,
worlds we will never be
Mother Says
Enjoy the Sun
Enjoy the rain
Enjoy the love
Enjoy the pain
Enjoy the fear
Enjoy the rage
Listen intimately
to your broken heart.
Feel its words; inhale its art.
Dance, sing, self-embrace
and swing.
Enjoy surprise, the changing tides,
this space in time while you’re alive.

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