Thursday, February 28, 2019


Not a performer
An observer, a chronicler
of what I see.
A sane and healthy planet
of sane and happy people
who figure out our core values,
work to embody heart and soul
in our social reality
Why be stuck in “isms”, theories
based on beliefs from the past?
delegitimize concepts of war and wealth
Underline and all CAP:  Without a functioning planet,
no other issues matter.
[relaxation centers – perhaps retrofitting a bankrupt hotel – crowd sourced, invested as cooperative effort]
It seems stupid, lazy and short-sighted, to fit our public policies in theories based in past bias and beliefs.
[short-hand to condemn each other]
Rather, let’s get together and figure out our goals and how best to be them, then do the work to create and implement
the policies that take us from here to there.  #anti-ism-ist 
Not so much Party as personality wins votes.
We each have our unique relationships with what we believe to be god(s)
We all have ideas of what we mean by “god” based in pervasive and literal mythologies.


dreamtime in process

That dream again
running, running
but your feet are stuck, enmeshed in pavement
though all of your intent runs in terror.
Demon warriors form themselves in the grey cloud that surrounds you, become denser, full 3-D attack.
You find yourself at war with your pillow, trapped in twisted sheets.
Another damned day to get through looms beyond the dream-storm tossed bed.  

Saturday, February 23, 2019


Moral Majority, law and order,
appealing to people’s vanity and fear
So men who can only procreate through rape
legislate to keep their DNA in play
Everywhere, signs
Everywhere, sadness rippling,
funereal blues, drumming
ever slower, ebbing
connection, ebbing time.
Everywhere, shrinking, dying.
Everywhere, depleting, engulfed
by agony, bleeding out.
Can you, will you, sing into
endless night, tell me a story
of survival
of happy children at play in concert
with verdant Earth?
could we mitigate ocean heat
using it for energy?


Friday, February 15, 2019


What would You do
if you knew you wouldn't fail
if money were no object
if you had nothing to prove
if your will were free and wild
if you loved your inner child
if your wishes would come true
with no nasty consequences due
 stop relying on old thinkers from a different time
think anew on what we want and how to get there
mornings are hard
all that stinging sunlight and expectations
interrupting the vast solace of sleep
It’s not rule of law
or rule of the King
It’s rule of what enough
people believe
Curiosity is what we need
to get anywhere
Chaos promotes control
promotes anarchy
all immovable objects
call forth irresistible force
reality reduced to 101
Role play plays a role
Feel those rules we need to know
The quality of your character
is not about what you are born with,
but what you do with it
Lyrics’ rhythm that makes its own music
Words that can give strength


Friday, February 1, 2019

for Brigid's Day

For Brigid’s Day
Who am i to bow to You --
me shorn of love, without honor;
You an enduring Goddess,
long honored for your bounty
of knowledge, thought’s ground water
poured, shared, carried forward.
Goddess of brides,
of hope, of visions, of poetry.
We who want a deeper future for ourselves,
more kind, more wise,
a better definition for humanity,
assemble on bended knees to
beg, accept, express your beauty.
Humans alive to art,
flow of mystic cavern seas,
can synergize, can command,

manifest as Magick.