Friday, May 8, 2020

May I

It's not the lesser evil
It's the greater sanity.

She shrieks with joy
counterpoint to crying pain.

painstaking increments
w/ occasional serendipitous leaps

Living simply that I may
devote my time and attention
to my true vocation.

That a project is financed by "the government" rather than private industry
does not make it less efficient or beneficial.
Whether public or private, the important ingredient is management.
Private management is often awful -- see all the failed businesses and bankruptcies.
Private business, too, is focused on profit maximization, while public enterprise
when focused on its goal is about providing the greatest service to the people.

Who are we without our stories
to ground us,
give us our always home?
How I related, react, present, now
unabashed, unashamed, no chains.

Everywhere people catastrophize
problems, cry out about everything going wrong.
I'd rather focus on solutions, how we might
turn the tide, find shelter in the storm.
A bunch of lazy, anti-social, self-entitled complainers.
Make America Honorable Again
(even if we never were before)
Make us take courage and responsibility
to be honorably the land of the free
who use our liberty to create ever

greater good lives of good will.


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