Friday, May 22, 2020

memorialize free fright

There is no free market,
not because of government regulations (which often improve
the market conditions by increasing consumer confidence and labor
inducement), but because of crony government supporting some
businesses to the detriment of fair competition, the essence of
the good, the benefits, claimed for free enterprise capitalism.
"Images like these"
What images do I see,
in dreams?
in Rorschach-like response
to that phrase?
The future depends on what we choose
but too many of us choose to leave our fate
to our lowest common appetites.
Americans' incredible laziness --
the dangerous stupidity of willful ignorance
as bliss because it excuses
lack of perceived responsibility.
so all you people who are SO upset over Joe Biden's sins (of which he has many, but then so do most) are going to keep Trump in power to destroy us all rather than voting him out for a President much more easily handled by public opinion and a better Congress (which we do need to vote in)
it occurs to me that people who clamor for Freedom! from government tyrannies like this do not understand that freedom is not just flailing your arms or screaming out whatever crosses your mind. Real freedom is hard, it demands respect and responsibility – much more work than these lazy Americans could muster.


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