Friday, October 23, 2020

get out the vote 2020

 people make loud stands on social media, but if you really mean your fear and rage make sure you go out to the polls with people who need transportation or help navigating possible dangers; watch the poll watchers and intercede as prudent (also, ask around to find out what help people may need in your neighborhood to vote)

 it seems to generally be the nonvoters that are the bulk of the electorate -- abdication of democracy

perhaps because we don't emphasize that voting is the minimum duty of citizens in a democracy

or perhaps because we who claim our great concern about how our nation is run are not doing our due diligence in getting out the vote -- finding out what keeps people from voting and doing all we can to make it easier for them

what do we know about getting out the vote?

I know personal contact matters

peer pressure works

impress on people that they are voters, that this is part of their identity 

invite people to ask for whatever help will make their voting easier -- child care, transportation, information about where/when to go and what they might need to bring

information about where/how to register, and help to do that

make it fun with get out the vote parties, after vote parties, strategy parties, community parties ("political parties" but the fun kind)

what else?

voting is not a privilege, or merely a right

voting is our basic duty as citizens in a democracy (or democratic republic)

attempting to prevent citizens from exercising our basic duty ought to be considered Treason

The obvious solution is to prove that people will no longer be voted into office by dissing their opponents and negative advertising.  Rather, let's vote in the people who clearly show us what they can do to improve our lives, and let their opponents just look like the bullies they want to be.

don't see it as D v. R -- it's not about them: it's about us and what we would suffer from another round of Trump/McConnell -- vote them out, then deal with what's left

Friday, October 16, 2020

politics of survival

 Hey 3rd party fans, instead of uselessly stumping for POTUS, which you know won't happen in the current nation, better to expend that energy in your State and local elections where many fewer voters are interested so you are more likely to be triumphant.  Imagine all those Green state laboratories to show the world.

When we have destroyed ourselves, hopefully, Earth can self-correct.

With attack so ubiquitous, we must inure ourselves to survive.

what we need is not so much a rule allowing abortion, but a general right to be left alone, to have private areas of our lives that are none of government's business, including consensual sex and reproduction decisions

This talk of "Court packing" against the Dems when it was McConnell's GOP that refused to vote in Obama's judicial picks to leave the slots open for their next POTUS, made a huge deal of not accepting a Dem pick in the year of an election while now insisting on their right to vote in a Trump pick clearly not wanted by the electorate during the election.  The Dems are just trying to find a counterbalance as they well should under the common law decision in Goose v. Gander.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

regarding gods (in progress)

regarding gods (in progress)
It seems to me that these people are mistaken
when they claim to be at war against Satan,
because the God they worship is the God of Evil,
Destruction, Death, and Despair.
Yet, there are other gods with other values.
How did this group gain so much control over mankind?
Why do we hate our lives?
Pray for Violence
The God of Abraham
enjoys His Master tricks.
Calls Chosen men to violent
revenge against all fancied slights.
“They’re wicked – Smite!
Pillage their villages.
Rape their disgusting whores.
Make their acres yours in My sight,
in My glory.  Give blood lust, My rightful
gory sacrifice.  Pride is My reward
when your sons fight in My Name.
Pride can pay the price, replace shame.
I am no pansy, no prancing debutante
at Papa’s ball.  I am no Mama’s man,
no Fate’s enthralled.  I am the First, the
Prime, the All.”
Pluto's Wife/ Demeter's Daughter
Persephone, your will is free
Even as your living is in bondage
to forces much older in their power
You are free to reconcile your fractured life
Daughter in Summer's sun
smiling warmly, playing at innocence
with charms long practiced
Mother's Fool
Mother's Lamb
Saved from that horrible man --
Well, joint custody
Ever Her beloved child
While it is no secret
Down below you are honored Queen
among tortured souls ever needy of your
attentive care
Far from noblesse oblige, it is your
chosen career, though not chosen by you
Are you told enough:
"You do it proud." or even acknowledged
for the prowess your will gives existence?
Free Will, not Free Choice
It is learning to make of the whole sad cacophony
discrete instruments of harmony, of divine symphony
to find, realize, act with
impeccable integrity
as child or Queen
or someone between
Persephone's Worlds
I have wandered far from thoughtless girlhood,
am woman grown, a Queen
in my own right.
Yet I am treated with the expectations
of a mindless child
in my mother's Summer home.
The Gods are all agog with Zeus,
fickle, abrasive, free to take full stance
above the laws he so imperiously commands.
My Dark King is so much more a man,
sincere, deeply feeling, committed to his realm,
compassionate, if not always kind.
Yet, this season I must obey the crowd,
display charm and grace
in haute couture, make small, insipid
conversation with useless socialites
decorating Zeus' lawn parties.
Up here, life is meaningless,
All flash and doggerel
to amuse, O', do entertain us.
So tiring to endure the ennui.
Those not privy to opulent entitlement,
relegated to the dregs of servitude, or less
endure for their time, brutal, painful, short,
for no good reason.
I hear their horrid tales,
back in my rightful place and purpose.
Shrunken souls, shriveled by life time hungers
still growling beyond the grave.
I am balm and wise mother.
At last they matter, their stories opening in me
a marvelous passageway through which they are
taken into paradise.
My life above, the petulant daughter,
the pampered goddess spawn,
I endure coldly.
Summer's trivialities, properly obedient to
rituals of social condition,
know nothing of my true calling
under Winter's glory.
For Brigid’s Day
Who am i to bow to You --
me shorn of love, without honor;
You an enduring Goddess,
long honored for your bounty
of knowledge, thought’s ground water
poured, shared, carried forward.
Goddess of brides,
of hope, of visions, of poetry.
We who want a deeper future for ourselves,
more kind, more wise,
a better definition for humanity,
assemble on bended knees to
beg, accept, express your beauty.
Humans alive to art,
flow of mystic cavern seas,
can synergize, can command,
manifest as Magick.
Dark encircling
Goddess of Night
from sacred firepit
feeds dreamers
the potency of stars'
cosmic light
concave distortion
myth's shadow
Andromeda Unbound
Primal emergent scene of fear/betrayal/rage
Against prosaic life tuned to a simpler age
A woman and a man and progeny of course
A life tailored to plan, no stranger to remorse
So early in the days of what might hence occur
The learning of the ways of how to be are stirred
So legends have been cast, so myths in mist abound
As some realities are buried underground.
It was a cold and gilded house, camouflaged as home
It was a brutal game of chance camouflaged as life
Chain me to my jagged rock and let me bleed
Let the ravage start, I will not plead,
My tears will only flow when primed by raging seas
They say that life's a school, we must learn or die
They knock into us what, where, when, forgetting why
Each put into our place and left to wait our turn
It's not about what we may be, but what we earn.
Tree-lined sidewalks, car-lined streets, children at play
It seems so calm and peaceful, keeping fear at bay
Do the laundry, buy the groceries, pay the heating bills
Get it done, don't delay, no matter who it kills.
It was a curse hurled from the gods, but it wasn't mine
Punishment for a crime of pride I did not commit
Clinging to my prison door, I hide my eyes
Expecting no pardon from the skies
No where left to go to hide from my mind's lies
What can't be told infects a deep and deadly path
Buried wounds untended surface into storms of wrath
A beaten creature huddles beneath a snarling face
Dying for a welcome smile, the warmth of caring grace
Some doors left open lead to mystic hidden rooms
Of purple velvet drapes, plush carpets and rare perfumes
The tapestry of life upon an ancient wall
Or was it down a rabbit-hole you meant to fall?
I begged a chance to be saved, but it was not my time
The monster's howl a hungry hound denying rest
Lost in a tempest, finding none to care
Petrified by my own inward icy stare
Bound and cursed by the gods, of what use is prayer?
Comes the time in spiraling life of do or die
Take the time to breathe the air, read visions from the sky
Willing change, allowing pain to tell its sorry tale
Rearrange the picture's frame, learn to adjust the scale
The rules laid down to keep us bound were never friends
A hero's quest with divine intent can open stories' ends
Gods inspire nature's desire for beauty, healing, choice
Reclaiming heart, we do our part, obeying our true voice
Opening my eyes, raising my voice, I claim my power
The gods respond not with violence but with joy
Claiming my life as my own, I turn my demons into stone
Free at last my spirit soars as I
dance by day through sweet Olympian fields -- by night among the stars
Venus Guide Us to Peace
a meditative poem
Not just sweetness and light
There is a strength; there is conviction --
there is a vibrant dedication to true worth.
If we can but believe again
in all the humane virtues --
Love is sharing,
in kindness, understanding, supportive regard.
Love is forgiving and being forgiven,
when it is clear that malice was not intended
or malice has been exorcised
-- an acceptance of the positive power
of change, of growth in spirit.
Love is the assumption of "we."
We are doing being going having creating
We are able to exchange our labor, knowledge,
possessions, positions
We are able to take in more than I -- to synergize
our fortunes into wealth and integral well being.
Love is not just a song -- a pretty set of symbols
Love is a power and a glory
and an all encompassing truth.
Love is addition and multiplication,
not division or subtraction.
Love enriches and inspires us.
Love is not blind, not foolish.
Love is not denying the self or self interest.
Love is seeing clearly, knowing wisely,
understanding and expanding the self --
expanding outward to take in the universe
of interconnected, interdependent being.
Love sees the ugliness; and loves sees the beauty.
The ugliness saddens; the beauty invigorates.
Love is to peace as music is to harmony.
But how are we to love in a discordant world?
It is within us to pick out the true,
enduring melody
to which our essential selves are tuned --
If we but look to, listen to, open our selves to
Venus, the Goddess of Love,
Peace, Justice, Harmony
as she manifests within us all.
Prometheus Descending
Stealing fire from the gods
was but part of a process.
Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.
Long, complicated tales.
Heroism, challenge, reciprocity
stamped into squirming genes,
appearing again and again
through the ages.
My father's father's father and yours
farther and farther into mists
of antiquity
words said, positions taken.
Complicated tales unravel
knots in temporal rewind.
We see hero/villain
rearrange, reverse, reverently
bow each to the other.
Who is the thief?  the victim?
What is this fire that it is not
equally shared
among the initiates
who understand the requirements
of its power?
Earth Goddesses
Ceres, mother of the Earth
Athena, of cerebral birth
Juno, queen of all the gods
Vesta, pure against all odds
Virgo woman, faith bequeaths you,
standing proud amongst your sheaths.
Cunning service, gifts of grace,
in all fields is your place.
Virtue’s reason, mind and soul,
You plant the seed. You help it grow.
You till the soil and prune and weed.
You are the soil. You are the seed.
A snow-white light on field's relief
reflects upon divine belief.
The image of a wishful star:
A steady shine -- but still so far.
The nights of hope; the days of pain.
And on and on, that old refrain.
We are the lung, the gut, the spleen.
We are all we've known, foretold and seen.
We are the truth that marches forth,
boldly speaks, rebukes false swords.
Ceres in Regalia
Call in the harvest
My Lady awaits (impatient
is  She,
as all Immortals)
She sends cauldrons for tribute
on chariots of Moon lace --
dervishly risqué
stars sparkle celebration
We humbly attend, extend
ardent service.  Gaily bless Sun and Earth,
nature’s noble accord.
Welcome Grand Goddess!
Indulge in dulcet fruits and glories
from Your largesse devotees’ labor hath wrought.
Love and Work
in pure adoration,
Her most gracious bestowals, our holiest
of offerings.
These myths about crosses, holy water, Christian artifacts, are in some
sense amusing.
Such short-sighted arrogance these Christians expose.
Our kind greatly predate The Christ.
I have been told that some still walk who worshipped at the feet of our dark
Lord’s bride.
Persephone, when she toured this world would take succor from such acolytes
in Her secret night rites.
Children of the God of Death and Transformation, we are born in intimate
blood ritual.
We are damned with immortality to experience Hades on Earth.
Mercury Trickster
lithely larfing pixels and waves
Happy adventure
creating mayhem silly and brave
wandering worlds, leaping between
with the flick of a dial
bringing a soul feeding smile
to the lips of a beaten down child
slyly ass-kicking evil demeanors
dancing outside the scene
to quicksilver change
flickering out of range
of censor or brute
soldier or suit
to give 'em the boot
when their attention is taken
up in their infernal machine
Immortal mixer
in our mundane affairs
playing at musical chairs
or the game of the day
unattached to our daily cares
merry and gay
spreading that sunny moonshine
then dancing away
Athena's Valentine
Athena fair
stalwart daughter of Zeus
graces her time and place
with divine knowledge.
Today unlined face,
silken hair,
robust yet fragile form
are proclaimed as the graces
of womanhood.
Athena, lost in the pantheon,
whispers to the nightears
of her faithful,
saying:  "True woman's mind
inclines to wisdom."
But Daddy's girl
wants more recompense
for loneliness.
Gaea's laughing
silly antlike scavengers
groomed in self-importance
never see the joke
Eve of Hecate
As we approach the 13th of August
August celebration of the Dark Moon Goddess
under the light of this August Full Moon
Aquarius bears the Water, carries the way
along the electro-virtual waves
shining Moonlight, Faery Queen or fabled harlot
stirs potent night blooms, expelling myths of
what we cannot bear, cannot overcome
Feel in the electric falling starlight
Spells of renewal, of power to look back
upon our falterings, to find the seed now grown
yet changing still and ever, able,
willing, co-creating in the illuminated shadow
invoking the peace of dissolving twilight
of midnight's hopeful resurrection
of the hinting flame that lightens before the dawn
take peace into each breath, each incantation
from the strength to align impeccably
with your deepest truth
An empty chalice, open, to be filled by spirit's essence, placed according
to ritual, waits for its turn.
Goddess of so many duties, so many eras, so many sorrow-filled worshippers,
She feels the tears, the emptiness.
"I cannot fill you.  I can not fill the chalice of emptiness.  That is not
my gift or purpose.  I can offer only what is already within you."
Almost quiet, sea sounds, dank odor of lowtide, creeping Spring carries melt
of harsher climes.  She stokes the fire to remember warmth when the Sun was
high and strong, and present.  Fire has its own secrets, its own order.  As
do we all, each our own furnace, nurturing a flame that is destiny.  So old,
She has been burnt by many flames -- blistered, scarred, hardened.  She
still feels every one, tastes fiery spice, seasonings, marinades.  It all
moves Her to cackling hysteria.  You don't want the pain of knowing what She
endures.  You just want soothing stories, fantasies to believe in.
She understands your fear, and withdraws.  No need to escalate sorrow.  She
is self-contained in her work and close-knit layers of exquisite aeons,
sense memories, distilled lives.
"Was I a woman, then, upon the Earth, feeling sweet breeze of early Spring
uplift my being when returning birds and budlings made ready for new
In the dark, in the cold, enclosed below that hopeful ground, stirrings
still find Her.  She can not miss the Sun, the Sky, the open fields.  They
are ingrained in Her, as there and intense as ever they could be.  There is
no yesterday, no tomorrow.  Always all times, all places, all emotions,
overwhelm, yet gentle strand by strand amuse.  She has no pity.  There is
only action, including the action of long enthrallment, of stasis within
unfolding storms.  There is no room for judgment, no excuses.  She sees all
the rationales, the weak flailing attempts at blame, at justification.
Laughter takes Her.  It makes so much more sense to revel in explosion,
expelling, cleansing for exploration, for readiness to take the next step.
Simple acceptance.
The dancer with the dance
entering pre-dawn mystery.
Quiet interval, enchanting music.
Undulating reverie.
Alone in Hekate's garden,
breathing in memory
of jasmine and spice.
Weary roads traveled
crossroad to crossroad;
the journey continues.
Weary days have found sustenance
in secreted hovels, dimestore romance.
Convoluted talk, empty gestures,
soul-less ritual
take up the stitches of time.
Some brave midnight,
if I learn my lessons well,
I will eat the fruits of Hekate's garden,
dancing in piquant reverie,
leaving my tears and anguish
along the windswept trail.
Ebullient music
dances me
as the Goddess kisses
my tearstains into
The fact that there are so many religions, so many "gods," so many
interpretations of what to believe makes it clear that no one group has "The
Truth". We each see our little part of the whole. Rather than insist on
converting others to our "Truth," we would do better to spend our time
looking further.

Friday, October 9, 2020


 There is a great deal we can do -- if we are willing

to do and not just post complaints.  We can create
bit by bit that world we want, first small steps
until we get into the swing.  Most "government"
happens locally -- yet we focus almost
exclusively on the national, POTUS, whose
power would be greatly diminished if we
all practiced democracy from the bottom up.
Political "reality" (as it differs from
actual reality) -- this is a common dream.
It's not on me to convince you
because I know I can't.
You are so opposed to what I say,
there is no way you will hear me.
If the family is our basic unit
of society, how might we better
grow and value our familial world?
True freedom fighters --
antifascist as realpolitik philosophy
 -- not organized politics.  Real
people in the streets.  Claiming this land,
this nation, this historic experiment
in self-rule, for every me and you.
The battle cry that made our
Revolution, our Constitution
worthy of worship as country's
They've said we need to bleed
each generation to feed
What we need is to stop bleeding.
Find better language than violence.
What if paths lesser traveled
lead you to endless pain,
trolls and vampires and
nightmares' despair?
What if nowhere exists to escape,
no better days, no promise
unbetrayed, no symbolic siblings
to carry on?
What if screams to some barren
universe lead (ironically)
only to bleeding throat?
That fork in your metaphoric road,
that importantly poor decision
has become whatever our popular
tongue translates
as fate.
It's not tribalism --
it's mass hypnosis.
Real tribes could save us
from divisive delusion.

Friday, October 2, 2020

ridiculous silliness


people make loud stands on social media,

but if you really mean your fear and rage
make sure you go out to the polls with people
who need transportation or help navigating
possible dangers; watch the poll watchers
and intercede as prudent (also, ask around
to find out what help people may need
in your neighborhood to vote)
the point of a free country is not that
everyone does as they please with impunity --
that's more of an oppressive  situation than
a mere dictatorship -- the point is that
the stakeholders (everyone involved) get to
freely figure out how to best keep
the peace while encouraging well being
abandon yourself into ridiculous silliness
the pipelines we need are
to transport water from the floods to the fires

I had just been thinking about
the kind of archetype of the mean/icy beautiful
woman/girl and that she must have been
overwhelmed by the attentions of people
who seemed to believe they owned her
because they so enjoyed her appearance.
in so many ways kids are not cared for,
not taken seriously as actual people,
not given the opportunities and resources
to become well educated people able to
successfully navigate the world we have
presented them, not honestly led or
honestly loved in ways that would lift us all.
I hate to tell you, it's not some establishment
party plot to elect moderates -- it's the actions
based on their desires of your mainstream
electorate.  The more progressive candidates
do win when their electorate is more progressive,
but POTUS has to engage the whole country,
with all the local and not so local prejudices.
The GOP clearly does not believe
people have a right to life, but rather
that life is an expensive privilege.
Show it:  encourage green projects
in these areas needing jobs.
California burning
normalized zeitgeist
like a futuristic movie
Biblical destruction
for sins against Creation.
Gaea screams in her
native tongue -- wind and fire,
disloyal water,
elements outside of
human control.
It never needs to be this way,
this painful.
Why do we insist on such