Friday, May 15, 2020

May Ides

You would be revolutionaries
complaining at every forum of the evils
of government -- your true adversary
is not "the State" but the people who
support and create it.
You are mere malcontents -- not the
People's heroes.
True heroes don't waste their resources
tearing down.
They take the responsibility to work
usefully to improve life possibilities.
Peruse your skill set --
What can you do?

True leaders strive, not to highlight what is wrong, but to overwrite
with sensible solutions.

Their clamor for opening often comes from
suffering an underlying mindset, conscious or not,
of "survival of the fittest" -- that those who fall
to disease thus cull the herd and make us stronger.

I am simply someone following a fascination.

Where is that vibrant energy I counted on
to blare out what I must say with focused
grace, layered like festival cake
in ritual and potent spice?

Of course the men who casually abuse women they have power over don't get the uproar.
For her it was a life changing trauma; for him nothing of note.

Throwing myself over the edge -- lucky enough
to land on my feet
without breaking my legs.

The world has become stale -- everyone worn
down and out.

A multi-layered mess
We did it to ourselves
out of greed and other
kinds of stupidity.

You think you are defending your tribe
by attacking folks with articulable differences?
You are the lesser, the bad
people -- you destroy the reputation,
the good name, of our society, our nation,
our human race.


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