Friday, April 26, 2024

wanting to be green


I want to be green,

but I'm blue.

(What might that mean to any you?)

I want to be Life nurturing,

a force for healing of this bitter world.

I want to grow organically, infuse

beautiful truths throughout our

human dreams.

What I want to be -- not who

I get to be.  Entangled beyond

my ability to cut through,

and be true to my higher desires,

relentlessly blue.

Those memories that made me --

But that world no longer exists

for so many years --

or did that world only exist for me,

what I experienced?

What must it be to have that

oppressive history

weighing, scathing

no matter who you may be, today.

I never had that connection --

weighted, scathed, merely for being

unexpected, unaccepted, except for

here and ther, momentarily.

An important advantage to living

within a society is the organization

that lets us have access to the 

institutions, facilities, outlets to what 

we (individually and socially) need.

Yet we see so many areas of lack --

food deserts, news deserts, people

without access to the nutrition,

information, education, medical care,

so much that we desperately need to

have a successful society or human world.

Perhaps our best defense is good,

critical thinking education --

but who is going to sit down for that?

Happy to be a useful part of

community, collaborative and respectful,

such a joyful place to live.

I use drugs to reduce the harm of my pain -- isn't that the point?

the system that we would best want to work for us is broken

by those who want a system that oppresses us for their benefit

the system needs to be fixed, not destroyed -- destruction will only leave us with destruction and a bunch of angry assholes ready to do their undermining thing all over again

if the people who are ready, willing and able go out and find the means to  fix the system, we are all able to have and do better.

Iif Israel wants to be an accepted nation it needs to play by the rules and defend itself responsibly, with minimal civilian murder.

aiding Ukraine is not costing us, since we are aiding them with weapons our people produce

aiding Ukraine might save us, if we successfully allow them to be successful in stopping Russian aggression through the world

we have it all wrong at the border -- we would do much better to fully fund immigration courts and quickly arrange for work permits and aid in getting immigrant workers hooked up with American businesses

we would do so very much better if the political/media complex would stop being a national sport and give citizens the truth and education to make good choices for our lives

when overly stressed I have learned to breathe deeply, slowly, to the rhythm of a mantra:  slow, gentle, calm -- repeat until I feel calmed


Saturday, April 13, 2024

do no harm


Remember:  The election is not just about

the President.  Be sure to vote the total

ballot.  So much of what we want done

depends on our legislators.

And, we need to answer those questions

give our views on Initiatives.

Know your ballot

Know the issues

Do your basic civic duty

I require no special designation for

my political beliefs.  My philosophy

is simply:  human institutions need to

add to, and not subtract from, human


That's not protest

That's not activism

That's just being

middle school mean

Since the 4/8 Eclipse, I've felt low

energy -- as if being asked to relax,

reflect, stop repetitive distracting

The body -- a conveyance

It's appearance is not my concern

They will do as they will do.

I have no control or influence.

I just do what I can to get by and 

avoid trampling by the mob as they

rush from and to enthusiasms.

At least, do no harm.

At the very least,

do no harm.

Far below a responsible response,

but, Please, at the very least,

do no harm.


Friday, April 5, 2024

acceptable definitions


All language is metaphor

(map, not territory)

Every pictograph tells a

plethora of stories.

How communicate, carefully,

peacefully, in this chaos?

Words defined with but more words.

Where do we find that key experience,

how share?

Within boundaries

silently accepted.

You must understand that you live

in a world with vast other lives.

You have no natural right to say

who may live in this world along 

with you.  This is good.

You may be unwanted by others.

These people seem to insist on

destructive, irrational thought and

action -- not because they are unable

to think/act rationally, but because

they are unwilling.

Destructive explosions generate energy

but, What a mess!

So dangerous!

Safer, more blessed

energy generated by uniting.

How are the Trumpettes to take these

trials seriously when their guy is given

considerations well beyond those granted

normal defendants, as if it is understood

that he deserves better.

Violence, Addictions, Suicides

are these indications of a healthy society?

if we want these services we have to pay 

for them, at a wage that properly 

compensates the service providers so 

they have the democratic advantages of 

being able to vote with their wages for the 

goods and services they need for a good life

So sad!  So very many bullies --

enough to torture so many of us,

each for our own sin against their

acceptable definitions.
