Friday, May 27, 2022

nondual twins


People with real lives are too busy
living to bother with clamoring
against or for celebrities, or engage
in political hate.
Perhaps our real chance to prevail
over the ambient insanity is to
encourage and inspire real lives.
I don't want politics in our most intimate
areas of life, which, if we had any belief
in individual liberty or even the value of
individual lives we would understand.
In a sane world, everyone would be taken care of,
that would be the center of the system, along with
respect for everyone's individuality and self-expression.
from an outside ("Martian"?) perspective we are all
animals of a species.  To us we are each unique. 
We each have our own experiences, perspectives,
abilities, disabilities, interests, etc.  These make
our human world complex, exciting, inspiring,
worth our time.
Wouldn’t we be better to not inflict gender
until it matters, until puberty, when we have
enough experience of ourselves to figure
out what gender means to us?
which Democrats we elect matters -- vote in
your state's primaries and get active locally
to know who does what and what needs to
be done to get quality candidates
I am so very sorry, but 3rd Party candidates
VERRRRRY rarely win (except in very local elections)
instead of spending so much time sniping
and wailing, spend it doing real research
into who these people have been and are;
and better, help to encourage and promote
good candidates with a track record
we need local alternatives to big food,
to big most everything -- we need to take
back our commodities in sensible business
models that work well for everyone
If you burn down the structures on
which our social system exists, rather
than rationally renovating, making
useful change, there would be
nothing on which to create the system
we deserve and desire.
One might think if you believe we all
have a right to life, you would do
better about lethal weapon control.
It’s all too much, too overwhelming.
Break it down to problems you can
manage   OR   find problem[s] you
can solve to exercise those abilities.
You gave your joy away
Left with nothing but the pain
their sadness cut so deeply
you must respond, pour into
cloying need.
Can’t afford needed services?
Tax the rich (that’s where the money is)
End corporate welfare
Stop fossil fuel subsidies
and ...? (continue the list of donors)

Friday, May 20, 2022

fade of Taurus


if you don't want to be replaced, do better
in an actual capitalist system the
goods go to the better
the most sacred, intimate areas of human
life ought be outside of the purview of politics
 -- this is who we are well before we get
together for social contract of law and governance
maybe if we understood that our personal intimate
lives are not politicians' to decide for us,
that government's role is meant to be about
our social, not personal selves,
and acted accordingly we would
create the governance we actually want and deserve.
all I need do is
find my calm center and stay there
 -- everything else is happenstance.
the party of "government is the problem"
 is destroying the legitimacy of our
institutions from within
The kind of free speech restrictions
commensurate with sanity – like not
metaphorically shouting “Fire” in a
crowded theater when the only fire
is the one you are hoping to spark.
It bothers me when people say
“nobody is talking about ...” or
“nobody understands” as if “Look
how clever I am to see what nobody
else does” but plenty of people are
talking about, understanding better
than they.  Maybe they don’t know
about those people, all caught up
in their own imagined superiority.
I see the world through a veil of
wounds.  So often scorned, or ignored,
or abused.  So seldom secure enough
to let loose, to feel fine, to feel good.
It shouldn’t be so hard to have our
outrage heard, acknowledged, respected.
We shouldn’t need to be outrageous.
That long, immense trail of experience.
Fragments scattered breathe urgent
tones, flash symphonies.

Friday, May 6, 2022

problematic judgment


A problem needs to be solved,
because it impedes the reaching
of a goal.
A question is a prayer to Curiosity.
Don’t you see?  They have told us
we have no right to privacy.
They somehow have devised a system
of lies to deny us our most intimate,
basic, sacred lives, to deny any rights
beyond their rule, their peeves and whims.
Cruelty from on high to amuse while they
croon hymns to their chosen God, as if
these harms they sow out of piety.
What we are by nature is malleable
What we learn to be is less so, imprinted
software.  Yet, we are blessed with
reprogram ability, neuroplasticity.
If only we believe and act accordingly,
imprint on a bliss revealed reality.
Traumatized people entrapped in panic
may not have the clarity, the rationality,
to make good choices.
That does not mean they have no choice.
It does highlight the problem, the need to
ameliorate the traumatized anxiety,
to offer clarity, rationality, so better choices
can be more easily ascertained.
Has this Supreme judge read the glorious 9th
Amendment which assures us that rights not
enumerated  in the Constitution belong to the
people and the states.
Abortion is part of the most intimate areas of life
which ought not be in the realm of political control.
We are human beings, natural animals, first,
before we get together to figure out how to live
together under law.
These most personal parts of our life are even
beyond privacy, are how we relate to who we are
outside of social definitions or control
if we are to be human at all.
It astounds me how people who claim to
believe in an omnipotent, omniscient god
seem to think said god incapable implementing
its own will, but somehow needs these weak,
ignorant humans to impose it.
For people who work in the political system, of
course their solution is to vote; and it is vitally
important that we do vote for representatives
that actually represent us.
But voting is only our fundamental duty as citizens --
not our entire duty nor our entire recourse.
Of course we vote, intelligently, after actual research
to discover who has the will and ability and values
to act in our interest; and meanwhile we
organize and make ourselves heard.
It lately seems to me that the basic GOP is
about a wealthy elite of white "Christian" male
investors who get to lord it above the servant class,
which has become too large for easy control, so
they invent policies to shorten our lives and keep
us down and confused by their manipulations.
I have been wondering about our experience of "consciousness"
Could that experience be not so much natural to us
as a product of culture?  Could there be cultures in
which people are not so self-embroiled and live within
reality, aware but not aware of being aware?
even more chilling, not only did the Supremes
majority say that abortion isn't in the Constitution,
they said there is no right to privacy in the Constitution
 -- imagine what their nasty little minds are hatching.
we see that there are humans who do terrible
things for reasons that we may not know.  I have
been wondering about human nature and how
we are made to feel while growing up -- if we
could be treating children in ways that would
lead to better outcomes in terms of how
we treat each other.