Friday, July 29, 2022

needs deeds desires


many years ago I realized their are no true
dichotomies/binary choices -- there are always
several paths, not merely one or two --
self-discovery is not about narrow definitions
but about broadly reaching, dancing, being
In true democracy
government has no power
The People have the power
Government is our tool
What directs the specific thots/behaviors
we manifest outside of our control?
We need places to go
whenever we need some place to go
to be with other people who need
some place to go to be seen, to be able
to say what we need people to hear.
But where is the profit in that?
For too many people life is too expensive
to have much time to trade without
monetary recompense.  For the few who
have no such compunctions, the ambient
ethos demands efficient profit
maximization.  Where does that
originate?  How has it spread?
Perhaps we are limited by framing
ourselves as identities rather than
experiencing beings?
you do understand that government
is a concept or a structure, but not a thing
that has a mind
minds are the people who work in government,
who form governments, who are the masters
and subjects and participants and critics.
Who is this "we" that has the power, ability,
and mindfulness to make the desired changes?
I recently ran into an old pro-planet t-shirt from
the early '80s -- over 40 years ago we knew,
we even yelled and screamed and signed petitions
and tried to get that difference made
What is wrong with people?
we need to deliver -- the information about exactly
what WE want (there are millions of us who want
different things differently); the support for the
people who show a genuine desire to serve US;
getting out the vote (not just mine, everyone's I can
influence); getting involved in local politics so we see
and know who is doing what and how it is being done;
work to get the better candidates -- find them, support
them, get their word out (but first learn who they are,
how to recognize who will do the job
The so-called inflation is not about the money;
it's about the goods that are not keeping up with
normally expectable demand because of Covid related
policies and manufacturing policies even before – and
kept exacerbated by Putin's invasion of Ukraine
and the consequences.
The solution is not about money, but about businesses
doing what business does, providing goods to the
consumers (if they would get beyond the manic profiteering).


Saturday, July 23, 2022

Leo moves in


Chirona opera outline
Ill woman has beautiful day, amazing light goes through her, cures and gives her healing tpower.
She goes out and heals those who she finds in need, but it weakens her, comes with more and more pain.
People have discovered that she has healed others, come to her insisting she heal them or their loved ones.
A large, menacing man demands she heal his dying young beautiful wife.  He taunts that the healer is old, weak,
that his beautiful wife offers the world more.
He sends out accusations that this healer won’t allow his dying wife to be save, with pictures to evoke empathy.
An angry crowd forms which he leads against the healer, threatening her violently.  They hit, kick, throw bottles,
eventually destroying her and any possibility of her continued healing.
The sick wife wakes up to a beautiful day, amazing light cures and gives her gift of healing.
It’s just value branding
gabble gossip
So arrogantly ignorant
any minute you’ll forget
to breathe
and no one will care.
A litterist – I believe words have meanings
(or what’s the point?)
opposed to dumptyists, who believe words mean what they choose.
Look at me
giving everything I can
not being seen


Sunday, July 10, 2022

happy new day to you


Years of my life I believed
why wouldn’t I?
how couldn’t I?
“Give more than I receive.”
Most importantly, give to humanity.
Take in humiliating pain, let it rain,
take the drenching.  Perfume the stench
imagining pretty happy plans,
idealizing mankind 
as they could be
brought to see glorious peace and bliss.
The word these days is Passion
a flying heart
the ache of Art
Find where my mind takes ease,
soars with eternity, smiles with fluidity.
Learn from those few I can respect;
let go the rest. 
Float, a ghost in repose, leaving regret
for scavengers to eat in my wake.
Every dawn could be inspiration,
undrained by beliefs in obligatory
energy gleefully received.

Friday, July 8, 2022

serious citizenry


We can’t count on superior weapons
We need superior strategies --
to develop and effectively use
knowledge as power.
There would be no advantage to money
in politics if citizens did our jobs of
self-educating, together educating,
so we know the backgrounds, positions,
experience and values of candidates, ideally
chose those candidates because we were
in the know, because we cared to develop
the knowledge and can’t be swayed by
slick ads, pricey propaganda.
People don’t like to take responsibility
We prefer to give our responsibilities
away, and complain
the people we gave it to are doing it wrong.
We do not have a real representative government
for the people who feel powerless because we do
not do the necessary organizing, education, adapting
and expansion, spending far too much of our time
and energy complaining without considering
what we can do, how we can gather and decide
and divide the work to find, promote, elect,
support and keep honest real representatives.
stop abdicating democracy in this relentless
blame/complain/skew/throw up your hands in defeat
the REASON these people rule against The People is
The People aren't doing our part to self-rule!
anger wants violent, quick solutions
better to turn to a slow burn and fuel long-term
thinking, organizing from where we are to how
to get to where we want to be
overwhelming emotion, seeming ubiquitous
attacks -- slow now, breathe deeply, seek calm
and that wise voice of reason, of flowing resolve,
of reaching to hold, to find and befriend 
our true home
if you abdicate your power of self-rule you will
be ruled by the power of the selfish -- lose the
wings and find the people who have the abilities
and values to take back our country
but we do need to be realistic in such trepidatious
days and vote in the best of who is immediately
available, and to play the long game better than those
who have been using our abdication against us


Friday, July 1, 2022

so far


After all my choices,
this is where I’ve landed,
so far.
Not voting for people we don’t want
is not what gets us bad government.
The problem is that too many of us
seem to think voting is our only voice
or obligation as citizens (when we do
even vote).
Self-governance does not mean letting
some private organization with their
own agenda give you someone to vote
for and then let them run things, while
we stew and complain.  It means, at a
minimum, we help discover and then
support people who have the background,
experience, skills, intentions and ability
to be the representatives who do the work
we want and need to create and maintain
the country we are proud to be part of.
Before the break to leave tradition
warriors of transition hold wise council,
create with care and deep respect of awe
a new platform, structure, stretched canvas,
laden with paints, brushware, glitter shapes,
cornucopia of artists' delight,
laid in wait of free fall into our world as we
create it.  
Who told you to hate “the News”?
Competing sources?
People trying to sell you their opinions
and fears or frauds?
Have you even seen those reports
you’ve been told are fake, to see
if they make sense regardless of whether
they agree with what everyone knows?
Maybe if we take in a greater range of
views, we would better understand and
get on with
a greater range of “you”s.
it is our duty (really, our fundamental
duty as citizens of a democratic republic)
to VOTE the bastards out, to VOTE
people who actually represent us in
 the REAL threat (as long ago noted
by Pogo: “We have met the enemy and
he is us”) is our penchant for dividing against
ourselves (which Lincoln noted long ago
results in a nation that can’t stand.)
It's not even about abortion, or life --
it's a ploy to take over either by co-opting
the Court to deny rights of personhood
to those designated by these now in power,
or by delegitimizing the Court and our
system of government so they can take over
in the resulting chaos.
Our human world is being destroyed by
desperate mass suicide,
trying to numb from the cruel outcome
of our madness.
the people who want this have been
working for decades while the people
who don't have been busy with their
lives and immediate issues, and dividing
over whatevers
and the point is not about abortions
or marriage or babies or life -- it's about
delegitimizing democratic institutions
and taking over our lives
So defeated we lose the fight
while they chortle.
The flaw is there is no such
thing as perfect people, perfect
government -- the point of democracy
(instead of just giving in to dictators)
is to keep trying, especially when it seems
overwhelming, learning to do better
and find the very real people who are
willing and able to do better
with and for us
oh, you are so smart.  You have it
sussed.  Every Dem. rep. or hopeful
is only out there to do you in.  It's
not that the GOP with all their organizing
and loyalty and propaganda don't
actually have the legitimate power they
got voted in to obstruct and lie and destroy
liberal democracy.  It's not that actually
organizing and finding and supporting and
voting in more progressive and experienced
and thoughtful Dems. would give them/us
the necessary power to do what you are
so good at complaining they haven't
while all you do is add to the obstruction
that keeps them from having that power. 
Feel so good, do you?
As a party, no, but there are very many
individuals who run as Dems because there
are only the two viable choices to win and
work for change -- the point is not to loyally
vote Dem, but to do the work to get the
good candidates, who would never be able to
get GOP votes.
Right Now, in these horribly divided,
horribly violent days, we need to find
ways to unite for our common values and find
the people who will do the work, and
give them the support to do it.
Or do you have a better plan?
Thomas, who is currently seen by many
as illegitimately opining due to his wife's
anti-American activities, doing his own
nation destroying -- why (how) do we
honor such decisions, such a Court?
I suspect part of the point of these
rulings is to erode confidence in the Court
on the way to overturning
democracy generally in a long game coup
do you think we can organize wrongful
death suits against the majority Supremes
and any Congress folk who vote against
codifying Roe for every woman who dies
in pregnancy/childbirth?
when I heard about the ruling an image came
into my mind of a large rally of sad-eyed little girls
following the Supremes everywhere they go,
carrying signs:  "I'm too young to be a mother. 
Protect the child who is me." and
"Not until you end rape"
Fraught images, feelings
smack behind my eyes, deeply
within me
triggered by random sights, smells, sounds,
bleeding freely as if no longer past.
Can I be her again, now?
