Monday, March 29, 2021

from full moon rays


The devilish tortures we
put ourselves through,
insist we must do,
for the sake of being social.
the lower 99 pay for everything -- look
at the 1%ers refusing to pay even their paltry
unfair share so often.
this nation is ours --
we ought to control how we destroy or,
better, mend it
 These Republican anti-voter shenanigans
reminds me of the scene in "Guys and Dolls"
at the crap game where Big Jule has insisted
they play with his spotless dice. 
Harry the Horse says that  "With honest dice, Big Jule
cannot make a pass to save his soul."
How about an updated Oregon Trail type
adventure game following migrants from
Central America to the US border?
Faintly flowered,
soft evening breeze
carries today
past our horizon.
Why give them the credence to care,
to react to their rants?
Watch closely enough to avoid
while continuing to do what
truly needs doing to achieve
our goals.
Feel free
in your breath,
your moves.
The You that watches
wants all yous
to feel good. 
[from full moon rays]
I went there.
I liked it.
It felt like home
to this weary Crone,
to stop and stay.
Learning carefully, joyfully,
to weave clouds and rainbows
inside my open window.
Smelling Spring waft through
this magical room,
I dance myself stories and laugh.
Remember healing laughter?
Not the mean jokes, rough sneers,
prayers for disasters to save us.
Neighbors deride and betray us
-- why would we stay if we had
a chance?
Why would I get caught in
such a tragic trance?
Who did I think I would
How did I believe I was
the only one
not in on the game?
Anti-communicate:  throw
words without their soul.
Make noise to detract from
making sense.
Over time we find, each alone:
We're disappearing from our lives.


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