Friday, March 12, 2021

responsibility is social


Getting to my wit's end,
my rope's end,
my ability to cope,
pretend, yet again
it will all be better
in the end.
It's a matter of conviction --
what we (writ large) are
willing to condone.
Not ready to put justice
above convenient apathy.
Unable to behave responsibly,
with conviction.
Inside my fantasy
core, root and seed.
Outside sad trance of
our social disease.,
No one succeeds when
success means we never
live in reality.
Feel free, feel abandoned by
who we've been made to be,
outside, without reality.
Breathe in.
Feel alive, a creature of blood,
of air.
Feel free
of despair, of disappointment,
of conditioning to succeed,
as if beholden to
this crippling fantasy.
we waste our precious human lives
trying to be what we are not
to please others doing the same
We travel a descending spiral
as society, the more people
concentrate on entitlement rather
than meaningful responsibility.
I don't know how you learn best.
I am a reader.
I like to get to the source, and
to find the background of the author's
views and the context of the content.
we have to prosecute these police --
every one who kills or nearly kills,
even if they claim it was justified;
there has to be a price to make every cop
think twice before pulling the trigger
if the Republicans are so interested in unity,
where is their good faith effort? 
Unity does not mean capitulation to the meanest.
cynical, power hoarder McConnell believes
(rightly?) that the American electorate is too apathetic
or low information or weirded out, that if he can stall
and belittle the Dems attempts to do as the people will
they will blame Biden (since the Pres. is mostly their
understanding of government leadership to love or hate)

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