Thursday, December 2, 2021

mutating inspirations


It's not (just) that it says:  You must submit
to our rule.  It's that it says:  You are nothing
more than what we allow.
Tuning in to the cultural circus
to find relevant response.
Timothy and James and Robin and me
dancing on the magic meadow to
The Dark Side of the Moon.
I gave you a precious, costly gift
of love, and you replied that I, a lesser
being, had no bargaining, no worth to bring,
a poverty project for your mastery.
I am becoming aware of the desirability
of calmness, of developing a state of calm
within from which to operate
why ought women have "abortion rights"
any different from a general right to medical
care with the issue being payment, not some
patriarchal need to beg the lord's permission
to tend to one's health?
Mutating attitudes, ideas, inspirations --
Which kill us?  Which help us
We need a significant legal response
to dangerous lies.
how about we don't stupidly confine
ourselves to these theories and look directly
at how we could best manage and distribute
resources for best social outcomes?
Encouraging anarchy, understand: 
wealth is dependent on consensus reality.

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