Saturday, November 27, 2021

expanding observation


traditionally the elders,
having the most experience and
a long life to reflect upon with
calm acceptance and wisdom, rule
Capitalism to work does not need
deregulation.  It needs the magic of competition.
it is sad that so many Americans have such small
lives that these cynical political divisive lies
bring them out and together
crying for the distraction of violence
if we are concerned to continue
to have a planet, we ought to be
raising gas prices to lower the use
and encourage alternatives
Seeing our history
play out over centuries
into our every day
A big problem on so many levels --
people expect our lives to be certain ways. 
When things change, instead of thinking: 
things are different.  How do I best act now? 
We say:  FU tptb -- Why isn't my life
as I expect it to be?
seems to me like many characteristics
shared by a minority
neurodiversity is a natural asset
to expand the viability of the tribe

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