Tuesday, December 21, 2021

falling autumn exhalations


Our democracy is hampered by management
through a two-party system and their tactic
of keeping the general public politically naive
so it is all made to seem like a sporting event
rather than the hard work of self governance.
I'm not going to waste my time
on people who insist on being
oppositionally ill-informed.
If I want to live in an alternate reality,
as a fiction writer I have plenty of my own.
I am so frustrated by all you very
normal people who refuse to
act rationally.
Is this our worth,
what salary we command
no matter the calamity
attractiveness to basest desires --
viewing humanity as if we could be
better, moving toward health, calm,
acceptance of life's surprises.
Stop the despondency of angry
suicide/genocide expediency.
That unyielding need to protect
make wonderful, bursting my heart
so intensely loud -- yet nobody hears. 
How can that happen, this lack of connection?
You lionize people happy to sacrifice
your lives if they believe their dangerous
lies give them an advantage.
When I was a child
I believed the story I told myself,
that I was from a different planet,
sent to Earth to learn about humanity.
I would look up into the night sky,
trying to imagine my home,
where I belong.

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