Wednesday, July 1, 2020

the fog of social media

Whatever you say translates as
"blah, blah, blah"
through the filter of your
lack of credibility.
I worry that people are not
being treated (or even seen to have)
for underlying conditions that sap
the energy from what we need to succeed
in our daily lives, but rather are mistreated
for a thing the docs like to call "depression"
that they blame the patient for not responding
to their theorized "cures"  escalate mistreatments
that make the situation worse both from the
underlying ignored issue and convincing people
they are broken by a nonexistent malady because
the treatment actually needed is denied as is the
reality of all these suffering maligned.
Okay, I get it -- the people presumed to be dying:
those of color, of age, of pre-existing conditions
-- those cost/benefit gives reason to be happy
to lose.
Stuff I've lived through -- long before
the fog of social media


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