Saturday, July 11, 2020

post-eclipse pre-Mercury Direct

When I saw the Moon outside my window,
up in the South corner
of a somewhat clouded sky,
it was eerily red with black shadow,
not looking like the Moon
but more a strange portent.
I've been thinking about autism. 
People so diagnosed make up a
significant number worldwide. 
There is no actual test for diagnosis,
but rather subjective interpretations
by mental health professionals based
on subjective reports from the patient
and their family. 
Autistic spokespeople say it is not a disease
or disorder, but a neurological difference
from what is considered the norm. 
So just what is this autism
and how ought it be viewed?
"cancel culture" as far as I can see
is just responding to the customers' desires --
nothing strange for businesses of all kinds,
and nothing strange about some who buck
the trend for the customers left out
so, you would have the Trump regime
destroy all of us so you can feel right?
How does that make you any better
than the Trumpette Republicans?
The point is to get the mad man out
and then use the solidarity and tactics
learned fighting Trump to keep the new
regime in line while we prepare
for better future candidates.
this could be such a wonderful opportunity
for so many people to figure out how
to create income-making businesses that
help with the needs the virus has made evident,
to figure out better ways of conducting business
in these circumstances, to break out of bad work
situations while adapting to different conditions,
and so forth
why do we insist on going back to what
clearly was not working well for so many?
Tear down those monuments to death
Plant living trees
We find they lied when they testified
they were attacked (in fear for their lives)
How can we believe they were ever
in danger?  How now excuse their violence?
Take the consciousness to feel alive.
It's both!
The glass:  half empty/half full
Empty of what we have lost
along the way
Full of what we have to build on.
The one life I have
gvien over to
Greedy Old Penises


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