Saturday, July 18, 2020

transitional term

  I know many Americans are less than thrilled by Joe Biden.
However, unless the world ends or changes in ways we have yet to experience,
it will be Trump or Biden in charge after January 2021.
I have started to think of Biden, who is old and I hear has promised a one term presidency,
as the transitional guy while you are looking for your soulmate.

 And Joe is not a lesser evil because he is not evil, merely a flawed mortal like pretty much all of us. Yes, he has some bad ideas, some uncomfortable behaviors -- but don't we all?

"Be an Election Worker! Election workers are essential to ensuring that elections are a success. With each election, millions of Americans dedicate themselves to sustaining the backbone of democracy - our election process. EAC encourages those interested in becoming election workers at the polls on election day to learn more about what is required and how to sign up to work with your local election official.
Get started and find out if you are eligible. Go to the State Compendium of Election Worker Laws and Statutes.
Find out if you must be a registered voter in the state.
Find out if there is an age requirement.
Find out if there is a residency requirement.
Find out if a political party affiliation is required.

Then contact your local election office and sign up to be an #Election #Worker. They'd be happy to add you to the Election Day Team!"

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