Sunday, July 5, 2020

eclipse epiphany

it's not really about such social constructs
 as race, gender, religion, national origin
-- it's people deciding they like harming
and making up excuses to say
harming these is alright
The Conservative Eugenics unspoken premise: 
Everyone must be born. 
Then we get to torture/kill the ones
we disapprove of.
It's not that we don't have time. 
Most of us don't prioritize democracy,
or even think about it much or at all.
Two sides implies a 2-D world.
In reality there are always more --
the obvious opponents,
and everyone else.
It is so easy to complain
and so difficult to do useful,
meaningful work
Yet people doing that work
get so additionally  burdened
by fools demanding their sovereign
right to complain.
What everybody knows
is often just what most of us
are too lazy or uncaring to question
As Eclipse epiphany I realize, I write as a form of worship.


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