Saturday, February 1, 2025

shouted out there, in the air


I don't get this continual Biden bashing
at this late stage of his career -- he's gone,
guys; get over it


Everything happens for a reason
Sometimes that reason is you are
ill-informed and make bad decisions.
Sometimes others are ill-informed,
or ill-intentioned, and make bad
decisions that affect you


Have my senses become overtaxed,
numb?  All these blustering years
All these exhausting days of 
Triumph, of celebration,
excesses of inebriation,
it costs too much to feel, to freely be


Get on with your little life
Enjoy what you can


Exploring words to express
feelings and meanings


We, humanity, create our own 
rules, boundaries, definitions of
evil, actions beyond what we want
to acknowledge as human
possibility.  Because humanity clearly
has the capacity to surpass those
boundaries, redefine how far we
can go, over and over. Will we come
to understand that there are always
people who are somehow happy to
explore and dig greater depths of
human possibility, of evil


Does it matter?
Hell no -- but so much of it
is incredibly beautiful


When "truth" is unreliable at best,
all we have are stories.


It feels so good to fight back
vicariously when we've no strength
to fright against what's killing us.


Everybody has an opinion, a surefire
solution they fantasize, buzzing around,,
threatening, distracting, those who
have the actual responsibility.


The power over others is not so much
in the wealth, but in the hoarding.


A bunch of wealthy frat boys
without a soul between them


Ignorance -- the celebrated norm


2025, a time for me to be whatever I
feel I need/desire
to immerse inside my outreaching mind
into a different world of my own design.
The whole political/social capital/working
for a better world -- not my responsibility.
People are a sad disappointment.
Get it together for yourselves.  This time
is mine.


To move someone with power toward
our preferred policies, we ought to be
showing them how such movement
benefits them.  Setting ourselves against
them is likely to be counterproductive --
divisive, not collaborative, or persuasive
[not to be construed to mean that calling
out what needs to be called out, resisting
that which needs to be resisted, ought end]


You say you are woke?
I was an insomniac from an early age.


The cultural myth of POTUS as all
powerful gets assumed by Trump, and
not generally seen as aberrant.  We
have not, at large, gotten the memo
that our Founders particularly meant
a Separation of Powers to deny too much
authority allowed to one person.


it seems to be a Republican matter of faith 
that taxpayer money ought go only to
 their causes (like making the wealthy 
wealthier) and not be wasted on what is 
good for the taxpayers (whom they most 
certainly work to not be)


clearly the underlying problem is 
poor education available to the masses 
about how our government is meant to 
work, their very vital role, and how to 
educate themselves on the issues 
that affect them -- for a democracy to 
work, the people need to be aware of 
how to rule themselves


science/scientists are elevated 
in the minds of many, and therefore 
also denigrated when they are not 
the gods we had thought
scientific knowledge comes bit by bit 
with occasional breakthroughs and 
many, many mistakes along the way 
-- what was scientific "truth" may turn 
out to be not so true on later reflection 
with greater understandings

don't be cruel


ever has it been since the press began, 
some are about profit --  give the people 
all the infotainment, gossip, slanted 
narratives -- or to promote a party line, 
or to sell an agenda
while there are also earnest journalists 
giving everything to find and share 
the truth of what is happening in the world


how can we blame the "Democratic 
message" when so many low information 
voters were hoodwinked by social media 
pro-MAGA disinformation and mainstream 
media obviously not willing to take the 
potential hit for spreading real, 
useful information?


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