Saturday, November 23, 2024

philosophies that permeate


Public demonstrations may be useful
to bring attention to the situation,
bring it into public view.  To make
real  progress in our cause, we need
to get people in general to understand
what needs to be done, or undone --
make it common sense, and common
cause.  Communicate clearly the
necessity of action, one by one,
instance by instance.

Apparently it is skewed against
Dems for being (whether or not true
in a party with vastly diverse
constituency) concerned to follow
rules and norms, to promote order and
responsibility.  How is it better to
promote chaos and division, not order
but militant loyalty to a fickle
leader?  We don't need chaos from
what is meant to be our scaffolding
structure, our government.  There is
already plenty of chaos in life.

Strange, isn't it, the socio-economic
philosophies that permeate are so
often those of greatest self-perceived
benefit to those who hoard and control
the wealth.

I get it.  We've devolved to a hate
mindset -- screaming "Evil!" instead
of working to understand, cooperate,
be a people.

Where is the shame in finding oneself
in circumstances creating greater struggle?
Rather, one working within such difficult
situation deserves admiration.

Take time to cry -- then organize

Scorpio sensibility is somehow 
inordinately meaningful to me,
with no major Scorpio influence
in my chart.

Aid workers, journalists, all the ordinary
people just trying to survive -- Boom!
blasted into bloody bits, again and again,
day in/day out
while mass murder is mistaken for strength

If we were serious about this democracy
thing, we would make sure every citizen
understood how their government is
meant to work, in great detail, so they
would know how to make that happen.

societal reality is what we (predominantly) 
agree to agree to.  
Some group does need to adhere to the 
rules of the road that have been found to be 
important to social cohesion and beneficial 
If all vs. all war is allowed to become the 
norm instead, that vaunted  "rule of law" we use 
to mediate against rule by violence 
will not endure.

exult in your luxuries while they exist


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