Friday, February 21, 2025

creating chaos


notice Musk's weird over-the-top energy, 
and reported heavy depressive episodes -- 
we're being taken over by a bipolar madman 
(though, perhaps, we in general are not 
making the best use of our natural bipolar 
resource, considering all the potentially 
productive energy if well channeled)

We tend to forget how
ridiculously fallible
people are

Here, in my happy fantasy
where I understand that nothing
matters; and better, nothing
matters to me

I can be kind, and rational -- but
I get freaked out, and that all goes
out the window, like a Russian dissident

I get it
You expect the world as it affects
you to cater to your convenience
If it should fall short, there must be
someone to blame, to rage against.

It not Harris or the Dems or even
most of the voters.  It's about a longterm,
incrementally, diabolically executed,
in great detail and careful orchestration,
conspiracy to overthrow and overtake
the government of the United States,
through a persistent and aggregating
campaign of insistent disinformation and
voter suppression by a powerful coterie
of those who believe they should be in charge.

Trickster Twins creating chaos for their
abusive amusement


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