Don't be concerned, all of you recently fired top
government scientists and analysts -- look at all the
farm and hospitality jobs the Mumps have opened up.
we could be saying that cis white Christian men are anti-DEI hires
-- not hired for their abilities, but for who they aren't
getting rid of all the low wage essential migrant workers
getting rid of all those government jobs
as if labor were fungible
poor budgeting by the Republican legislators has led over time to ever deeper cuts
for these stalwart public servants to contend with trying to do their jobs without
the necessary equipment or staff
it's not the governmental workforce that eats up our finances, far from it.
It's the partisan over-the-top disinformation that makes it so much harder
for the work of our nation to get efficiently done; it's the catering to the
self-entitled wealthy that keeps our coffers underfed
Mumps are having a grand old time
trickster twins creating chaos for their abusive amusement
I suggest a tax on all financial transactions -- a fee for the use of the governmental
infrastructure every time anything is exchanged for money or its equivalent
easily arranged with digital transactions
Musk is the most entitled, unworthy chaos performer to appear on the public stage
resisting his ridiculousness is courageous and necessary if we are to keep our homeland ours
It not the Dems, or even most of the voters. It's about a longterm, incrementally, diabolically
executed, in great detail and careful orchestration, conspiracy to overthrow and overtake
the government of the United States, through a persistent and aggregating campaign
of insistent disinformation and voter suppression by a powerful coterie of those who
believe they should be in charge.
The solution can't be more of the same (def. of insanity) -- the solution is taking back
our people's rule from these parties, which we were warned against and never
meant to intercede.
In these days of criminally rogue gov't what is needed is a large
enough contingent of people ready, willing, able and energized
to get together and find our own best reps and procedures
We need to take the default position of pushback -- Mumps
says: "You Will" we each and all say: "Hell No!" and act as back
up for any of us who are threatened
This isn't about likability, but inspire-ability, bring people together
to work for a cause-ability, bring useful truth to the people and
encourage them to organize and fight back-ability
we have inflation because those responsible for providing the goods
and services people want and need (in aggregate) are not sufficiently
providing them at a reasonable cost
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