Friday, July 5, 2024

rocky roads to better places


It can be so hard to get meaningful
work done, even without the nasty
obstruction from those people who
seem to believe that is their right
to provide.

Yes, I know, it feels so sharp, wrenching
There must be something to be done!
There must be someone meant to
make this right!
It can't wait one moment more,
must strongly bore through any
opposition, destroy those barriers
to true and ultimate solution
no matter what, and NOW!

It's a different world we live in today
than it has been before.
That's part of the problem -- people
desperately hanging on to a disappearing
world, not spending their time adapting.

Societal change tends to far outpace
political leadership.  That doesn't mean
voting is not important -- it is!
It is just not sufficient.

There are so very too many people who
have been treated horribly, and there
are so very too many treating others
horribly -- and it has nothing to do with
their "tribe", it's all on their behavior. 

I, always wanting to be helpful, useful,
forget -- that's not what people want.
People want to be loved.

It's not my world
It never has been
It belongs to those who know how
to get large numbers to follow them,
to those neat packages of leaders
and followers who give each other
that security and place, no matter
how dangerous or insane, objectively

It we could support an authoritarian
who for whatever reason provided
us with everything we need for a 
decent life -- but that would never be,
certainly not in a sense that we could
count on continuing
What we have now is certainly far from
what we want to see, what decent
people need to live decently,
what it has is hope
rocky, hazardous roads
we can travel to better places

I saw a very tired man, with an incredibly difficult job 
made more so by bad actors piling on him with lies and 
obstruction, taking on an obviously unfair "debate" 
against a rambling anti-democracy bully and rules 
that make it so much harder to get in real ideas, issues, 
truth. Sometimes we just don't have the energy in this 
public moment to keep up the game. Sometimes it all 
gets to us for a bit, and then we take some deep breaths, 
talk to some friends, think about what has been done 
and what we can do going forward.

say:  You are vile and not worthy of my attention
to bullies -- don't let the anti-humanitarians 
get you down
their insults and digs are really their own sins 
projected and nothing to do with you

again with the labeling and then making a 
universal jibe
Not Democrats -- some Democrats
did you believe just because some politicians 
thought they would do better with a D next to 
their name that makes them trustworthy, 
or liars, or any set of particular characteristics?  
We have to stop abdicating our democracy to 
political parties (remember Washington's warning)
 -- get together with people you trust with similar 
political beliefs.  Get out there and find people 
you can trust, with similar beliefs, who have shown 
their knowledge and effectiveness and promote them 
for the position you think they are best suited to. 
 Or run yourself.  
Make Democracy about The People Again

yes, Vote!  It is your basic duty as a citizen.  
But never believe voting is enough.  You 
have to actually find and support people 
who can and will do the job you want 
done -- and keep on them, or whoever is there.  
You can't expect immediate results -- our 
government was made to grind slowly.  
And DON'T expect government authorities 
to make it all fine.  Get out into the trenches, 
into the communities, into the hearts and 
minds, and do what YOU can.

I see people decrying various forms of 
bullying and discrimination.  It all comes 
down to hate as our adversary.  To fight 
hate we need to counter and defend 
with loving kindness


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