Sunday, July 21, 2024

above the crazed violence

It seems, in my desperately flailing mind, 
that rational, good-hearted people ought 
to be able to overwhelm all this insanity -- 
an image of these like a soft cloud of good 
will, floating above the crazed violence 
and foaming it out

Going back to New York in my mind

Nonbinary -- take things as they are
without limiting into categories

relinquish the illusion of control

They're killing us
slow and fast
we're letting it happen
too abused to fight?
too overwhelmed by ever growing
trauma to peek out beyond
our screams?
too uninformed in worthwhile
thinking to even conceive of how
to proceed -- if we're destined to
bleed, better in slaughter or battle?

Impolite = impolitic
Why indulge in gratuitous rudeness
without considering the ripples?

I get it.  You are encultured in a
world view that commands no one
but you (and maybe yours) deserves
any iota of what you believe belongs
to you.  And you believe everything
you dare claim is yours

It's not about me
I'm old
And my life has not been easy
But I'd like to believe when I leave
the world will be tilted toward hope
and compassion, away from hate
and despair

Why aren't school kids somehow
integrated into local government --
classroom speakers, class trips, projects
so we all know who works for us, what
they do, how to communicate, take part in.


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