Saturday, July 13, 2024

age of politicotainment

so, wait, all this controversy about Biden is ageism, 
yet again Americans unable to appreciate the value 
of the elderly’s experience
fine, it’s become popular at this late point to dump Biden, 
without a cogent argument for anyone else, after the primaries, 
while so many people are promoting and clamoring for Biden – ???
And they don't seem interested in promoting Harris, who
gets the campaign money if Biden drops out.
I see all these arguments why Biden should not be 
the nominee he currently is, but where are the 
well-stated, cogent arguments for the person we 
would all be much happier to elect? Does Trump 
really need to run unopposed?

Hearts and flowers
Enchanted hours
Song of romance
Pulse-pounding dance
Tell me, tell me, tell me true
How we best may honor you
Bright blessed child, stay wild
May all your days be beautiful
as love

Concerned about grocery prices?
Climate changing impacts on agriculture
are and will continue ever more to make
food production ever more expensive

You have no idea what my life has been,
my experiences,
until you ask and I respond
I'm right here
Don't assume

They are not saying he can't do his job,
even better than many
They're saying he can't appear young
and vibrant on tv.
Is that what we need from our POTUS
in this age of politicotainment?

I get it -- that's your issue.
We each have our primary issues
based on our individual experiences

How can wages keep up with inflation
if minimum wage won't budge?
The fault here is not with inflation
so much as with US House Republicans


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