Sunday, October 20, 2019

questions and observations

The big question?
How humans can learn to live
successfully together, doing
what needs doing in our own
best interests.
A bright ray of poison radiation
destroying everyone in sight
Loners, introverts,
people without posses, 
or people perennially maligned.
We find pernicious labels
to pound into your mind.
We recruit you with pain.
Reward for worship of divine hate:
 we see you self-destruct,
imbibe our poison.
Basic education
How things work
How they can malfunction
How to fix them
How to improve them
How to keep them healthy,
and adapting for future demands
Familial affection
Intimate relation
surrounds our identity
Pings of care remind us,
narrative bonds for
cooperation that lifts mood
and opportunities
For Goodness Sake
Why not
different truth sets
truths we can learn or discover
truths we feel, experience
truths we know we do not know
truths that change with
point of view
or time
Why fight
over truth, under stubborn banner?
Truth is neither
question nor answer.
What matters if what we do
in all humility
from our core.
I never self-identified
in gender
Yet I suffer from others
identifying me.
Where is our zone of privacy?
How can be be ourselves
while fulfilling our needs
to pay our bills
selling our skills
in the market square?
This planet,
on which we depend, must be
our primary stakeholder!


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