Friday, October 25, 2019

libra/scorpio thots

I tried,
and tried
to find a way through,
me and you
friends, partners,
mother &daughter,
a way to be wanted,
beloved, believed in,
part of a family,
welcome home.
I tried, though you’d died
to flay my mistaught mind
to justify my life
to finally live up to your standards
(despite that you never exemplified,
showed me how)
You took too much,
gave naught but guilt and
difficult memories.
Let go, let go, let go.
Let this end time be
for me.
where are the real Republicans
the real Conservatives
the real people who actually think, consider, and have strong principles about their duties?
I remember, they used to be everywhere
bit by bit by bitterness they have succumbed
to mere madness loosed upon this dying world
all the lonely people
wander halls filled with lonely people
cry silently for connection
without connecting


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