Friday, May 3, 2019

whose world?

We don’t do better
turning our country back
but by getting together to
face and engage with our future.
Who cares
or congratulates
my grand fantasies --
besides me, but why am I never enough?
If this stupid world won’t change
toward my direction --
that’s not my fault.
Responsibility clearly can’t deny reality.
If people need to fight, to fear,
to destroy our only ecosphere,
to end history and every story left unsaid --
I’ll be dead before this play’s last scene.
None of this plot, this show, this audience
had any thought for me.
“Black and White together --
We shall not be moved.”  We sang, together,
marching for justice in the maligned ‘60s.
And we believed that together we would prevail
over the haters.
We were very young.
But there were older women and men marching as well
-- everyone so intent, entrained like ecstatic dancers,
believing and moving together to manifest our common dream.
After the demonstration to gain public recognition, we would
talk and plan how to realize the world we all knew we must achieve.
And today, a new millennium,
how can we not have realized that dream?
They treat us badly
as creatures of their inner fantasy,
never really seeing us at all.


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