Friday, May 17, 2019


eating all our energies
while the real work lies
undone, our world surrendered
to entropy
Speak the language of your audience
for your words to be heard.
Don’t worry
about your future woes.
The world is ending soon
(one way or another)
Enjoy your final days!
(let your best self shine
unclouded by fear of repercussions)
The expanded vision of age becoming ash.
People who care enough about the future
to preserve their stories
You no longer matter to me, if
you only see me as not you.
Race – a contest
Framing our social castes
to proclaim winners’ rules.
No longer thinking or feeling
Dead, even if still breathing
Existence is futile
No bright future in which to belong.
Emotional, not physical, love
is more than enough powerful bond.
You say “woke”
I say “Duh!”
We do not inspire the vast nonvoter constituency
with Republican lite.  Or Democrat lite.
We inspire citizens to do their civic duty
not by fear or slinging mud for entertainment.
They need reason to believe that leaders
really care, reality listen, really act.
What becomes of unwanted children?
Pimped out or outright sold for
sadistic pleasures?
Dying on broken streets of disease
or violence, drugs of death and
other suicides?
Is this what you meant, what you demand,
vulture-eyed zealots rapt for your evil
God gives us freewill, unless
we are fertile females.  The ability to
gestate/bear young
automatically makes one a slave.
Entitled man, don’t make me.
Don’t demand my birth and hate me.
My fate is mine, don’t you declare?
Not in my name – I’m not your cross to bear. 


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