Saturday, January 20, 2024

when everything changes


As the ever increasing devastation

from Climate Change overwhelms

regular issues due to its greater

impact on social norms, the danger

of allowing a raging megalomaniac

like Trump to  take over the 

American Way far outweighs

problems with Democrats -- any

benefit you hope to gain from a

Trump Presidency will crumble

under the oppression of his actual


The concept of differing human races

was created so people who made their

wealth by oppressing groups of others

could explain that they had a right to

do so because those people were less

than human due to being of an inferior

-- what do we call it -- race.

You can tell, they look different from

us, when we concentrate our gaze

on seeing them that way.

It is self-defeating to take slurs

personally -- they're not about you.

They are about those so threatened

by you that they feel a need to put

you down.

Those commercials to send money

to aid poor tortured children in

foreign places, do they act as

reminder to pay attention to those

in your own community who are

hungry, homeless, being beaten or

otherwise abused?  What can you

do for them?

All this hype about Trump's

inevitability to regain the

Presidency after confirming the polls

to win the caucus in an (some might

say pathologically) evangelical state

on a super cold night when MAGA

cult pressure brought the most loyal

out to show their neighbors.  And yet,

a healthy percentage of Iowa Republican

Caucus goers on that cold winter work

night, got themselves out to vote

against the designated fuhrer.


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