Saturday, January 13, 2024

just thinking


An issue with our government is that 

there are a strong percentage of voters 

who are not interested in leaders with 

good work ethics who do their best for 

us, but rather demand entertainment 

from those who fill their media screens, 

to be made to feel good about being the 

shitty folks they know themselves to be.

Just because bad people

cynically impose themselves

into public leadership for their

own private benefit, does not

negate the possibility of public

benefits from common rule.

It's not governance that

mistreats us, but those who

misuse it.  Use that revolutionary

zeal to replace those who do

ill with truly public spirited,

perhaps younger so not as attached

to the status quo.

Whatever I needed to do to

get me through what I was

then going through, I obviously


Cocaine fueled '80s

The perfect drug for that 

high-blown lifestyle

Clearly, insisting pregnant women

die rather than get normal medical

care to save their lives, cannot be

about a right to life, cannot be pro-life.

It seems more likely to be a long,

malicious campaign to make women

terrified of pregnancy, to ultimately

prevent not abortion, but continuation

of life.  Is this evangelical fervor stemming

from Malthusian philosophy?  or just

a deep-seated hatred of life?

If about population pressure, you

silly people, it's been shown the best

way to lower population is to educate

women, annd give them opportunities.

Oh, right, what was I thinking --

it's not just Malthus, but even more,


The thing is (though strangely, I hardly

hear it said), that Presidential Immunity

is not a thing in the US.  It is not a law,

a rule, in the Constitution.  In fact, the

Founders were fearful of too powerful

an Executive.

There is merely a Justice Department

policy of not indicting a sitting POTUS

due to the perceived chaos that could cause.

Even so, the SCOTUS found that Bill

Clinton, while a sitting President, was

required to participate in the Paula Jones

sexual harassment suit against him.


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