Friday, February 3, 2023

above the waves




Government is not a business, and

ought not be run like one.

It's mandate is not profit, but the

well-being of the people it serves.




There was a group of queens who hung out

on MacDougal Street when I was a teenage

runaway in the late '60s.

They looked after, protected me, gave

me safe haven, a motherly influence.

There was nothing wrong, and everything

good about those women.




Ignore the Republican what abouts and

other obfuscations.  Realize their goal is

not to do better for us, but to obstruct

Democrats from useful work to make

them look inept.




Artist's Essence:  inner vision that needs

to be expressed




Oh Man, your arrogance

ever more destroys

the essence of well-being.




When thrown into the deep

to sink or swim (never having been

taught how)

you struggle bravely to dog paddle

yourself above the waves

You sometimes fail, sink

scared and alone,

yet bravely struggle to emerge,


Unable to shoulder your share of

the load, to advance, please know:

It's not your fault.

You did nothing wrong.

Practice floating, breath management.

Learn to feel at home

above and below the waves.




You know those myriad of movies.

Aliens invade to take our Earth

because their world is dying.

We have yet to find another world

to invade -- so we turn that fearfed

violence on ourselves.





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