Saturday, February 11, 2023

less pressure more exploration


Everyone loves to complain about the government.  

Yet, who really takes an interest and 

does the work to make it ours?

Government as your enemy is a myth

propagaged by people who get elected

to profitable positions and create

a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Government is what we choose

it to be as humans working out society.

People living our little lives

as if it mattered --

as if it weren't the only thing

that truly matters

I am antiracist in that I don't accept

the myth of human races.

A race is a contest of speed.

I sadly understand that we live in a world

stained by racism -- because people so

love to divide into warring camps

bound by hate.

Perhaps one major result of our

social media concerns needs to be

a requirement to effectively teach

critical thinking in all public schools.

Not "All Men Are Brothers" --

All humans are family.

Less pressure

more exploration

listen for the stories


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