Friday, January 27, 2023

our human pursuits


They trap us in a zero sum game

because it's all about them winning.




Difficulty finding employees?

Hire ex-convicts



Don't lower your standards.

Lose your labels.




Why do we love our government?

Because it is our creation --

of, by, for us.

Like a well-planned system of

roads and bridges to ease our work

and play, our human pursuits.




How many terrible events in our world

are results of children who grew up

unwanted, unloved?




The road is forever part of me

From childhood yearning to become

one with the rush hour highway,

so calm, constant motion

below the setting Sun.

Onward, forward

No time to indulge, to be afraid,

to be alive.

Mesmorized by constancy of motionn

Road songs drown out hurtful noise,

screams from the aching loneliness

of fresh betrayal.

Why is life?  Fulfillment of

unquenchable need?  Hellish

grasping for Paradise, just beyond

our reach?  Recompense for

what immortal sin?  Payment for

what sacrificial debt?

Certainly no boon,


some sacred, oh so precious

dear vision to attain, to make appear.

Life as a quest to find, to realize,

so much better than our oh so common

existensial despair

beyond repair

I see you there

but what is your reason

to stay?




People have different privileges

based on our vast diversity of attributes.

Thus, people lacking privileges based

on attitudes toward color may enjoy

privileges unavailable to those with

other handicaps.

In any case, privilege is based on

social perceptions -- given, not intrinsic.




it seems to me that we could all benefit

from a kind of AA-like sponsorship (or maybe

 mentorship, or just friendship) program of people

with mental issues (and don't we all have those

sometimes) giving each other supportive listening,

being with






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