Saturday, November 6, 2021



It’s not what you feel --
it’s what you communicate.
Legislating can be extremely difficult.
Do you remember the twists and turns
for Obamacare?  The opposition is wily
and happy to be dishonest for the cause.
Complaining is so very easy.  How about
getting out and getting people together
around doing the gritty work persistently,
working with the reps who are doing
what they can within their limitations,
getting what we need
it's not about the money
the point is to keep the Dems from
making the progress they promised
and the people want so no one will
want to vote for them in '22, when exactly
what is needed to get all those promises
fulfilled is to vote in more progressive Dems
in '22 so we won't need to sweat the
filibuster or "moderates"
no, the defeat in Virginia is not about
the '22 Dems. Why is no one saying the obvious?
Look at the two men running for VA Governor.
Based only on appearance, who would you vote for?
Most voters don't look beyond the obvious.
Speaking against “x people” wholesale,
speaking for or against all of any people,
is stupidly lazy.  It’s not just
“not all x” but not most x.
Most people are not bothering or
benefiting, do not have the time,
energy or interest to care enough to
act about anything beyond our own lives.

Adam Smith and Karl Marx theorized about economic systems
to benefit humanity.
It's not their systems that were evil,
but the people who adapted them.
When confronted by displeasing idiots
(or displeasing others) you have the
option of ignoring them.  If that becomes
too uncomfortable, respond in the most
pleasant way you can find.
Uncomfortable in our natural skin.
Uncaring, unloving of our Mother home,
tether to true life.
How have we sold our animal souls
for sparkle and fizz,
in fright of what is,
what might turn out to be?
We dissipate into meaningless games,
played as if they could sustain.

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