Saturday, June 26, 2021

learning democracy


the right has perfected the tactic
of loudly complaining that those
they oppose are doing the evil stuff
done by the right itself, deflection and projection
the fight itself is educating us all.
Who among us had heard of CRT
or most of the history we are now
hearing about because everyone is
going crazy over what had been a
course available in some law schools?
I want the talking filibuster back,
or none at all
why do we need to give an edge to the
minority in the Senate when the Senate
already does that by being nonrepresentational?
acting like the filibuster has a legitimate purpose
when the make-up of the Senate itself gives
more power to the rural minority
and, look, the Senate majority can
add/remove/change the rules every term
and, obviously the Republicans don't fear it
being used by the Democrats for many reasons,
including that the Repubs are much more
disciplined and happy to cheat
we as a democracy should know
that it is imperative to have a well
educated citizenry who understand
our history, philosophy, system(s)
and structures to usefully
participate in self rule
If we want our political reps
to do more, we have to do more
to convince them of what we want,
how to get there, and how we will help. 
It's only a democracy if the People
 do the work.  Complaining is not doing the work.


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