Thursday, June 17, 2021

apocalypse psychology


apocalypse psychology
Putting them (all those strangers
we fear, out there) to transparent
standards we never think of for us
-- because it's never about behavior
we expect or desire, but only
cynical political conceit.
What do we gain by such competing,
by living lies?
Not disease.
Me being me
creating emotional wisdom
to face outrageous experience.
We are humans, beings, believings,
biological instincts, burden of
survival.  Our vast dependence --
layers of Earth and time,
ancestors’ enterprise, egos to keep
record of how we've coped before,
so much more...
To casually reduce such
manifold agonies of sacrifice,
endless recessive mirrors, images
foundation to our minds,
our means of escape or progress,
as less of worth than
amassed tokens of some gentlemen
game, that's insane.
Expect perfection?
That is not democracy --
Rule by the People.
I am not perfect, nor are you.
"Perfect person" is an oxymoron.
If we the People expect perfection,
that is not democracy:  rule by we the People.
don't take sides -- pay attention and make
useful commentary,
look outside the lines
it seems to me that people become more
passionately involved with causes/missions
that they feel personally involved with,
that this serious issue of Americans without
adequate civic education or interest can be
helped with more everyday involvement of more
citizens in all these aspects of democracy – so
let's get out there and promote civic engagement.
Summer cabin embraced in
rambling Adirondacks
Mountain sound
Woods, lake, echo nightsong.
Deep air, breeze that carries history,
folklore fantasies, bits of brambles,
seeds and spores, potions and charms.
Contemplation, as if a natural right.


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