Thursday, July 8, 2021

Welcome to the Apocalypse

  abdicating their responsibilities to play

petty power games -- is this why we elect them,
pay them, allow them to tell us what to do?
what do they believe they gain by acting
so crudely? Are they happy with the world they
are creating, or so miserable that they are
sharing their pain?
they want power, as if it is a burning imperative
that smoke covers all reasonable impulses, all
the possible actual good for humanity and our
nation that power rightly accessed and used
could bring
the Christians and Republicans are losing
membership because sane people don't want to
be associated with the ever growing insanity
Her steadfastness
refuge for wanderers
Defense from the profit motive
Embrace basic reality.
No one wants to put in the work
We’d rather shoot the weapons
and deal with the destruction.
Seeing life through a different lens
Seeing again
from the beginning
There’s nothing wrong with me.
There’s something wrong with
“normal” people who feed a need
to introduce hate into innocent
children’s lives.
public interest lawyers and activists: 
time to get busy and creative finding ways
to get around the restrictions and get out
the vote better than ever!
so, it's about courage -- the courage to speak
the truth, to do the kind, to be the change you
want to see when no one else wants to see it
but do we
from a system
that is made to
we like to go crazy over symbols, as if
our emotional reactions to fantasies
trump reality or human connection

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