Monday, April 26, 2021

Pink thots and prayers


The satisfaction about violence --
it’s direct.
Hit what we feel we need to hit
with our bodies
with our weapons
all through our imaginations,
building, building
Stop acting as if America is poor.
Stop acting like it’s ok to bleed her.
Stop acting like this is who we are,
demand to be.
Understand, wealth means
to act wisely --
not license to destroy.
there is always more work to be done
than we can easily imagine, and thus
the potential for more jobs than there are
people to do them. 
What is needed is people who organize
the work into jobs. 
Why would you think that couldn't be
you and your friends?
wondering in this time of serious divisiveness
and fake news who to trust? 
My solution devised here and now: 
watch -- are their actions those of
a truly kind person?
I know many times I am thinking I must
do this thing now, feel anxiety to get it done. 
Later, after I have somehow been blocked
from doing it, now I realize I wasn't ready,
didn't have all the knowledge or resources
or good planning I would need to do it right.


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