Sunday, November 29, 2020

some thinking about education

 it all comes back to education -- did you learn to think, carefully, critically, and to know how to locate reputable resources for information?

how about we do us all a tremendous favor and promote critical thinking and promote critical thinking and promote critical thinking and then promote civic education

The real education reform needs to start at pre-K -- developing milieus for developing minds to help children access their world's knowledge while engaging them in social skill building activities.

Once kids have learned how to learn and find/use resources, college as we know it becomes irrelevant.  Rather, we could develop an industry of mentors who help others find and organize appropriate curricula for their goals.

he best policy effort for all of our futures would be compassionate emotional education from pre-K all the way through schooling.  People need to be taught to dialog, and too much "education" is about keeping still and being led by experts/authorities.

We could get serious as a society about citizen education rather than concentrating on core curricula based on perceived economic utility.

Reading histories from a variety of perspectives, discussion that emphasizes critical thinking, deconstruction of current events, cooperative projects, field trips to courts and legislative sessions and public meetings, all with an attitude of we are all citizens together with the power to effect better governance.

where are our education facilitators, creating easy instructions, mentoring and resource guidance for a reasonable fee to help less self-directed or informed students get their education from free sources?

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