Saturday, November 21, 2020

shake it off


it’s well past time for our legislators to stop worrying about costs in dollars rather than costs in lives and resources
after all, the money is a cultural fiction only made real by the “full faith and credit” of the nation that creates it
it wasn't the Progressive messages that worried voters, it was the Trumpublican lies  -- we need these policies to have the benefit of truthtellers who speak clearly, loudly, persistently
I am sooo sick of people refusing to think for themselves under the rubric of thinking for yourself – freely enjoy the conspiracy theories your mind makes up for your entertainment to pick apart looking for possibilities of truth; please, do not give over your life and mind to others’ imaginary worlds (or words)
how about instead of labeling (maybe to feel superior, or to tell yourself they're broken, there's nothing you can do) we really see each other and our needs?  If people didn't feel the need to be always defending against the prejudices of others maybe we would be much more mentally well.
I assume unless someone you know
gets dreadfully ill or dies, others'
suffering means nothing to you.

I thought you were joking,
or some kind of word salad art.

You expect me to respect, be
understanding to you.
While for me these you feel
no desire to do.
Stalemate, Gridlock, increasing
pain ensues.

It's not about your f'ing skin.
It's about their need to stamp
out difference, to assert their


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