Wednesday, June 17, 2020

questions for our billions' dreams

I don't get people
sacrificing so much time,
energy, behavior, trying to
live up to some so-called social norm.

How does it result in victory
to pull back on expressing the essence
of our existential demands because
charlatans and fools without integrity
we can respect
might ridicule or misrepresent?

Is it a blankness,
a lack, an inability?
How do functioning people
not feel the pain, the shame,
the horror at insanity that engulfs,
destroys hope for noble stories,
soul destiny, journey of humanity?
How do we so self-injure, inure to
stench of rotting murder?
If someone could explain, had that
overview, that knowledge, how
could such unbearable consciousness
Where is the confessional, the
congregation of outpouring faith,
caring community, self-help group,
spirit cell to tell our sorrow, our
abreactive truths, release inheld
suffering, silence,
find each other
as common strength, create a people
within to honorably live?

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