Saturday, January 4, 2020

Adapt Persist Question

No drama
Quiet, peaceful glide
Forward [this morn] [this night]
each moment alive
Habitual thoughts
for emergent ideas to replace.
All we have to make sense of
(the human need for meaning)
to deal with the tragedies, comedies,
ironies, catastrophes, savage families
is art.
With grace, with art, we can dance
in the warm, beatific rain,
distract enough from the pain.
Ideas belong to all minds
who they engage
We each may choose to agree
change to  make more agreeable
No longer giving permission for disrespect.
"we the people" is not a creature
it is an affirmation, a call to our better selves, an aspiration, a rallying cry, a way of thinking of ourselves as we as people as power
we often get so caught up in the dramas, the pain, the work of living that we deny ourselves the simple joys
when we see those pictures of "poor but loving" families people extol, what are these loving, happy though poor, people doing?  Dancing, singing, laughing, working together on creative projects to make their meager resources do more, hugging, smiling with encouragement, what else?
I am not addicted
apparently I do not have an addictive personality, too adaptable to attach to habit
though I enjoy my habits while they last
I enjoy social media as a distraction from real life
irritations, and as a place to show my work, my thoughts,
to share what I find that may interest those farflung others as well
and to be inspired by what those others share
even when irritating
because irritation is part of the process
of turning grit to pearl


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