Sunday, December 27, 2020

soft voices+links

 It's so sad

All you have
is a characteristic so widely shared
by so many who do it
better than you.
This human world, so much
more difficult than needs
because so many of us
must deceive, cause conflict,
torture, war,
thieve with lies and vile violence
-- not natural law.
What if after these horrid events we had
a response in waiting for trauma group therapy
including those who are concerned
in the community and the police?

My Back Pages – a collection of links to my work online:

a collection of poetry, short stories and thots from my late teens through my early 50s

my geocities page (from last century — links mostly obsolete)

Philosophic and inspirational poetry and poetic prose. Notes from an ongoing journey of transformation, using language to capture visionary imagery. Complex, metaphysical, reflective — pieces embroidered in faery dust, others engraved in lead that alchemically turns to gold. Words from the Sky God, Uranus, progenitor of us all and grand inspirer through the chaos of change.

emerging visions


an online ‘zine displaying various visual and written visionary art connected into a derivative artistic statement. It is free for anyone who wants to view it

Root of Desire

working with a gaggle of characters in conversations, back stories and poems from their perspectives.

Venusian Air

partial compilation


chapbooks, cycles, montage pieces

and myths personal and reimagined

working title: [evening dionysian] – performance of imagination:

Dancers dance

musicians play

Enchanting sylph narrates stories

while seductively moving to sinuous

back beat, tick of chimes.

Occasionally emphasizes subtle percussions

with intense expressions, leaps, cunning

stumbles, falling to crawl into spellbound speech.

Scheherazade myths, archetypal passion

escapades, poignant weeps, salient shouts

to power. Exquisite meditations on mystic

climes, spirit and form. Merry masks,

sparkly costumes, paint and glitter as

embellishment to the tellings.

Theater as intimate ritual.

Anything could manifest.

lunar rambles, random acts of sharing

and works in progress

seasonal writing and other journeys

blogbbook word opera

the night’s pages precurser and random thots

night’s pages

{patchwork narrative} a flash fiction serial following the story of a child vampire, the eternal child monster working out that existence.

Something Sacred online

experimental metafiction scif fi fantasy

Friday, December 25, 2020

stop surrendering to false narratives

 I don't go to social media for truth --

I go for people.
People aren't sheep.  We're pack animals
who bully each other into submission.
When I think of you
I feel sad about
how you waste your life
on paranoid gossip.
 government is not meant to do everything
for everyone but rather to be a legal structure
within which to organize those projects
that nation takes on -- government is
sometimes seen as the responsible
institution when private people refuse to do
what is needed for the general welfare
The fallacy of capital punishment
as a necessary evil: The evil is in the execution
(both literal and metaphorically).
The “law” to kill becomes the trump over any
pretense of justice. If we were to stipulate that
a death penalty has its place to remove from society
those we deem too dangerous to live, that would
presuppose a system whereby only those clearly guilty
of violence and deemed still dangerous would be executed.
Instead, we have a system in which the fact of
sentencing is the rationale for the state to murder.
Yet, how much sense does it make, even for the
stipulated rationale, to coldly, deliberately, with
much forethought and notice, murder people
who are clearly caught, incarcerated, and removed
from violent impact on the rest of us?
The death penalty is not about justice,
or fear of violence, or even ultimately revenge.
It is about a culture that worships
death and human sacrifice.
There is a strong difference between believing that
one has the right to defend oneself and others from
obvious attack and believing we have a combined
social right to condemn prisoners, incarcerated
outside of the social milieu.
No use to blame the past --
engage with what it's made
and find joy, peace in this present.
Winter inspires,
minds on fire
to warm, to urge onward
de-gun police

Thursday, December 24, 2020

musings, reflections, creative response on depression

 musings, reflections, creative response on depression

May 13, 2006

challenge to depression

It's not my fault.

It's not my responsibility.

It's the world I live in.

I need to find a way to live in it comfortably.

Not the world "we" live in; the world "I" live in. We each have our own. It is the ecostructure which informs our programming.

It is not my fault: I did not create this world. I was born into it. It is the given to which I respond.

It is not my responsibility: It follows its own rules, not mine. I have no way to control, but can only interact. I have my own responsibility, which is to learn to develop and use my own resources, to take care of myself, to perform the roles that are mine, which will expand this world to include my own self-definitions.

To find ways in which to live comfortably in my world, even if they may (or may not) include a great deal of discomfort, is about finding the ways to express my true essence in joy and grace. It is pure waste to syphon off my energy into self-blame, self-excoriation, self-punishment. By focussing that energy into living comfortably in my world, I am allowing myself to emerge and expand and energize into ideas and actions that fulfill both me and those affected by the ripples.



I am talking about challenging depression, which to a large extent seems to be based on feelings of guilt and inadequacy.

My world is the world that I was born and continue to evolve from, the given background of everything/everyone/everymoment that affects and effects the way I come to understand who I am by contrast and comparison. It is the world of the social culture, the emotional relationships, the physical environment, the airwaves and lightwaves, the nutritional components of the foods I have learned to take in, the mass media and the personal conversations, the rules of conduct both written and unwritten, the pressures and erosions and movements that have formed my underlying assumptions and the structures in which they are housed.

What I am suggesting here in my challenge is exactly what you speak of as magick -- letting go of the old illusory order and recreating the self to encourage new metaprogramming which will be both freeing and expanding in a self-chosen direction.

If you do not like the space in which you dwell and move out or change it/your perspective of it, you first must understand that this is a space which you can leave or change, and where it is that you would better go/what changes you would better devise. What is the "symptom" and what the "problem"? I am saying the symptom is simply a misunderstanding of the placement of image and background; the problem is the denigration of the self.

We can not move out of the all pervasive background. We cannot control it. We can interact with it to create a better fit all the way around.


It (that is not your responsibility) is the world of everything that exists before, ahead, around you that has helped to create your mindset, your basic and consequent programming, your take on who you are and your place in that world. It is NOT your responsibility (my responsibility). It is not my fault. It IS my world. My responsibility, my need, in order to be the person who is ME, who fulfills my roles for the good of my life and ultimately the lives I affect, is to find ways to live in my world more comfortably. No contradiction. No victimization, rather a breaking away from victimization. The world is not fate to be mine -- it is the background for which I am the image.


I feel I am not communicating. Let me try from another entry point.

Have you ever been seriously depressed? I don't mean tragically unhappy, but that irrational paralysis that keeps you from being able to bear the thought of doing, being, continuing.

What is that thoughtstream, that blaring punishment just behind your eyes? What is that voice saying?

"You're fat! You're lazy! Stupid! Incompetent! Selfish! Nobody likes you! You're not worth dirt! You are committing the greatest possible sin just by existing. The world would be better off without you; and you would be better off without the world."

That is the world I am talking about. The world that gave you these ideas in the first place. That world in which you fit only most uncomfortably. Yet, it is the only world you know. It is the world that formed your knowledge, your permitted ways of knowing. It is all the rules and structure that have given form to your life. It is that harsh word from a stranger that you didn't understand, and how mom made you feel and dad had scared you, and the sly look as a schoolmate whispers into another's ear, a look aimed at you. Or, hell, it could be hell. It could be the people dropping dead around you, and what could you possibly do to make up for surviving. It could be a sacred promise you made to a dying friend that could never be fulfilled. It could be rape; it could be terrifying violence. But you got it wrong. You blamed yourself. And the reasons you got it wrong go back to that world, not to you.

(c) Laurie Corzett (libramoon)

Evolutionary Neuropsychology of Depression

Based on recent reading about mouse stress experiments and their

conclusions about effects of different kinds of stressors on

genetically different mice in regard to their

neurochemistry/physiology, I am starting to have a thot-train that

there could be an evolutionary use for the symptoms of depression

based on beings being in situations in which they are highly

stressed over long periods because of predators or other dangers

against which fighting or fleeing would be bad strategy.  In these

circumstances, the creature might be best served by a strategy of

laying low and being unobserved.  However, this strategy would mean

vast dampening of behavior, of regular life-maintaining activity,

and perhaps intense emotional pressures as well.  In order to

accommodate this needed change in lifestyle, the neurosystem might

develop a means to dampen desire, increase lethargy, generally

depress the physio-emotional system to facilitate.  Thus, the

creature might remain in this not quite paralyzed with fear, but

certainly slowed and yet in some sense heightened in awareness state

for quite some time.  Perhaps, though, eventually, there would be a

change in circumstances.  It would be necessary for the creature to

suddenly reengage with life and life-sustaining activities.  This

could be activated by intense, vigorous movement, maybe rhythmic

movement to rebalance, which would signal the neurosystem to replace

dead or inactive neurons and use the plasticity of the newly growing

cells to inculcate different behaviors, more suited to the new

circumstance, which could well include a need to immediately take on

the challenges of a new environment.

Friday, December 11, 2020

out of bounds

as we see victimhood encouraged,
applauded, by a growing trend to eschew responsibility
and social conscience in favor of identity baiting
and bad faith we devolve from self-creating people
to lackluster whiners
This is not reasoned understanding.
This is not thinking for yourself.
This is just someone else's words,
letting strangers with agendas think for you.
How could we have been bamboozled
to believe that some cynical political
faction's advertised values
are the recognized standard
nationally extolled?
Stop wasting time insulting each other.
Instead, look for where we can find
common ground.
See them as they are -- badly damaged
weaklings affecting violence.
Compassion may aid your well-being
with useful awareness of reality.
This soundbite zeitgeist,
worse than feared,
reflects a world ever more weird.

Friday, December 4, 2020

into transition

 the thing with "defund the police" is that

it is a good rallying cry and practical place
to begin debate if people of good will and a
desire to understand rather than people
looking to fight and hate as their general
attitude were what we had to work with
when did public safety measures
become a rallying cry against responsibility
and when did lack of responsibility
become our definition of freedom?
vote and otherwise get involved
in local politics, school boards, learn who has
that power and who you can work with,
find others doing this work and see
how you can help, listen and be heard
crises are times of opportunity
 -- you "free market" proponents,
why are you not out making financial hay
from all the products, services, entertainments,
etc. now made necessary or desirable by our
current remarkable situation?
people who assure us of the benefits of
capitalism and seem to be too lazy or
stupid to take advantage of all the
new economic opportunities offered
by having a new kind of situation
in which much of our old ways of doing things
are hampered, but rather just loudly and
longly complain about "the economy"
politicians, or rather elected officeholders
are meant to work for us to help provide
the structures within which we can more
easily live our lives within a diverse society
we seem, though, to be too lazy to
act as responsible employers
And yet what didn't kill Nietzsche
destroyed him.
Good ought not be judged
on lack of perfection.
At our best, we are so complex.
A good person may be guided
by their tendency toward kindness,
compassion, down to Earth practicality,
positive energy, meditation and reason
Why are we always expecting,
demanding, railing against
the Government to save us,
to channel our distrust?
We need our sacrificial goat,
our national projection
to vilify, to worship, to focus
on as distraction from unbearable
pain, from what no one can control.
No one redeems us.
No one defines us, our extremes
of evil, of irony.
Who is this "we" put forth as
plurality, as mob mentality
or wisdom of the crowd?
I remember, tinged, tinted by
personal dramas, life-draining
traumas, backdrop popular songs
and memes.
What there is and how it seems,
all our grievances and dreams.
As a long-time lover of jazz
(the music that most speaks to me),
many of the people I most
appreciate and admire are Black --
but that is not the way my mind
categorizes them.
They are part of a much more important
human subgroup (the one I aspire to
be part of) -- Artists.
(for me at least) art transcends politics
and mundane life (even while
elevating them).
It's not some amorphous, untouchable
power over which we have no sway.
As Pogo said:  "We have met the enemy,
and he is us."
It's not about gratitude, but
appreciation -- seeing and honoring
the value in the gift and giver.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

some thinking about education

 it all comes back to education -- did you learn to think, carefully, critically, and to know how to locate reputable resources for information?

how about we do us all a tremendous favor and promote critical thinking and promote critical thinking and promote critical thinking and then promote civic education

The real education reform needs to start at pre-K -- developing milieus for developing minds to help children access their world's knowledge while engaging them in social skill building activities.

Once kids have learned how to learn and find/use resources, college as we know it becomes irrelevant.  Rather, we could develop an industry of mentors who help others find and organize appropriate curricula for their goals.

he best policy effort for all of our futures would be compassionate emotional education from pre-K all the way through schooling.  People need to be taught to dialog, and too much "education" is about keeping still and being led by experts/authorities.

We could get serious as a society about citizen education rather than concentrating on core curricula based on perceived economic utility.

Reading histories from a variety of perspectives, discussion that emphasizes critical thinking, deconstruction of current events, cooperative projects, field trips to courts and legislative sessions and public meetings, all with an attitude of we are all citizens together with the power to effect better governance.

where are our education facilitators, creating easy instructions, mentoring and resource guidance for a reasonable fee to help less self-directed or informed students get their education from free sources?

Saturday, November 21, 2020

shake it off


it’s well past time for our legislators to stop worrying about costs in dollars rather than costs in lives and resources
after all, the money is a cultural fiction only made real by the “full faith and credit” of the nation that creates it
it wasn't the Progressive messages that worried voters, it was the Trumpublican lies  -- we need these policies to have the benefit of truthtellers who speak clearly, loudly, persistently
I am sooo sick of people refusing to think for themselves under the rubric of thinking for yourself – freely enjoy the conspiracy theories your mind makes up for your entertainment to pick apart looking for possibilities of truth; please, do not give over your life and mind to others’ imaginary worlds (or words)
how about instead of labeling (maybe to feel superior, or to tell yourself they're broken, there's nothing you can do) we really see each other and our needs?  If people didn't feel the need to be always defending against the prejudices of others maybe we would be much more mentally well.
I assume unless someone you know
gets dreadfully ill or dies, others'
suffering means nothing to you.

I thought you were joking,
or some kind of word salad art.

You expect me to respect, be
understanding to you.
While for me these you feel
no desire to do.
Stalemate, Gridlock, increasing
pain ensues.

It's not about your f'ing skin.
It's about their need to stamp
out difference, to assert their


Friday, November 13, 2020

new dawn in progress

Twilight at the Dark of the Moon
Moving inward.
into deepest silence.
Feel me here,
oh my most darling.
Here is the free-est flow,
river of bliss.  Bounty
of years of grey resistance,
incrementally awakened to
swirling shades --
mystic purples,
mad magentas,
sky-eyed blues.
There is ancient music,
crescendos to peals.
Layered millennial ears,
creatures of seas to trees
murmur through.
Ripples of soundwaves,
broker wisdom
not yet condensed into words.
Romances spun of clay and sand,
woven into fashion’s fabrics.
Hearty voices join,
create regaled mythology.
Star-shaped world story
reverberates with
chill and heat.
Nascent strive for enriched clarity
that must open ever more widely,
a luminous spiral
up, out, in, around.
Come, brave as you imagine.
In that brief eternal interval
all of energy
sow and weep
while you sleep
a new day grows.
Each new day we relive the old, acting out dramas unresolved.
All we need to do is breathe to play to dance into our unbound creation.
dawn could be inspiration,
bounteous gifts free of obligation,
uplift of
energy gleefully received.
This is the first measure of the first movement,
a pirouette, a dervishly delightfilled whirl.
Cast upon this rocky estuary, dance inner wise,
third eye calling dawn into destiny.
drums at dawn.
Inspiration and instruction
carried forth through song
Birdsong, voices conflating
the sum of experience,
let loose into this foggy dawn.
Colours, still subtle,
catch liquid,
dissolve in
undulating air --
tell a story.
Dawn's pink-purple hue
breaks through over time
while I wander in dreaming.
Words of Peace
speak beyond structured language
sharing profoundly
in joy,
graceful dancing
to music of each dawn.
A bright dawn upon the kingdom
offers sparkling hope,
new dreams aborning.
Early morning dawn awakening
to a season of wild abandon
a golden moment of sensation
In a flash -- alive to an open season
Alive to a new awakening
Dawning form seeps toward reward,
to speak out what’s been found.
charge fiercely into each new
Initiate, ignite.
We are calling in the dawn
Calling, gently, our many voices
How do we call thee, oh joyfully smiling mother
Welcome arising in our hearts,
Anointing our many-colored soul.
Take in the day
Rejoice in the sunshine
We are alove and strong
In primeval paradise
Upon a windswept beach
Our eyes, our arms
Raised in blessing
Totality is ours
There is no darkness.
upon dawn.
Listen for enchanting pipes
of Pan to follow, drawn on
painted sky.
What was lost may be re-crafted.
Daring quests begun anew.
In a world of lads and lasses
hale and strong, brave and true.
Joined in conjure,
raise our glasses.
Do as we must do.
    Hope emanates, flows into form.
    Another day dawns and lingers.
    We journey on.
peeping dawn high in colors of awe.
What world is this
in swaddling clothes
at the break of dawn?
Deafening nightmare, desperate storm
give way to rainbows, peaceful dawns.
before the dawn
take peace into each breath, each incantation
from the strength to align impeccably
with your deepest truth
childish agonies
dispelled with dawn's
bright kiss,
Imagine the day that dawns when
you are no longer dreaming.
A new day is dawning, but is it sun or storm?
The new day dawning
it will encounter clouds and hailstorms,
turbulence and destruction.
It will be a day of startling showers and
unsettled wind,
of unreasoned pain
and empty solace.
It will be a day to try our souls.
But it will be a day of infinite possibilities.
A new day dawning in the
drizzle and the pain
[These little moments
of presence, of meaning
when for a bit all is clear
That's what we're doing here.]
Another chance to revel in the rain
Through weary hours of bitter nights
It helps if we can fix our sight
upon the rays of morning.
Some bright good morning of
fish and loaves, cake and wine,
capacious tribes adjoin in movement.
Shining line of peace.
Terror’s fear released.
A new day is dawning, but where is the sun?
Our freedom and faith are defined by the gun.
The symbol of power overrules everyone
'Til we create our own electricity.
A new day is dawning, look up everyone,
it's time to rejoice in the dawn.
New days, new dawns, new destinations
open endless, unforeseen segues.
Wonder creates, merrily navigates veils
as each falls, cast  away.
Luminous celestial array.
Lightning aurora bursts
expose prospective trails.
New days, new dawns, new destinations
open into never seen visions.
Wonder creates, gracefully navigates
through veils each cast  away.
Luminous color array.
Lightning aurora
bursting through.
ascend into sacred muse-ways.
Every day a new day
I walk softly in the morning.
Drink awakening dew, sunbeam blessed.
I take what has always been mine,
cherish magnificence
and leave rough visions
of apocalypse to human eyes.
morning sunshine
burns off fog.
Glistening sky and the luxury
of self-companionship.
Ready, take aim, begin. 

twilight at the dark of the moon

 the different paths we tend to take,

some caught up in hate and drama
while others do the work that we
all need to move forward. 
I saw a little cartoon in my mind's eye
wherein rather than the rule of
if you don't work you don't eat,
if you don't work you don't get to complain. 
Doing the work we see how difficult
it can be, what skills we need to develop,
and then can understand what our real
complaints that help us see what changes
to look toward ought to be.
because being born with balls is
never enough, only threshold necessity,
too much to live up to,
too little to sustain
You People,
putting my health and life
in danger out of stupidity,
how ought I act in self-defense?
Freedom as a national creed
does not mean everyone gets
to do whatever we like all the time.
Rather, we do as we choose within
the bounds of rules fairly and clearly
defined and enforced while each and all
have true opportunities to question,
critique, offer our thoughts about how
we would prefer to proceed.