Friday, December 11, 2020

out of bounds

as we see victimhood encouraged,
applauded, by a growing trend to eschew responsibility
and social conscience in favor of identity baiting
and bad faith we devolve from self-creating people
to lackluster whiners
This is not reasoned understanding.
This is not thinking for yourself.
This is just someone else's words,
letting strangers with agendas think for you.
How could we have been bamboozled
to believe that some cynical political
faction's advertised values
are the recognized standard
nationally extolled?
Stop wasting time insulting each other.
Instead, look for where we can find
common ground.
See them as they are -- badly damaged
weaklings affecting violence.
Compassion may aid your well-being
with useful awareness of reality.
This soundbite zeitgeist,
worse than feared,
reflects a world ever more weird.

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